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在RNA中也只有四种In RNA there's four bases.

基于什么样的评判标准呢?On what bases are the criterias?

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我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。We have trade under equal bases.

我们不想在那里有军事基地。We seek no military bases there.

或奠下伟大基础,要留芳万代。Or laid great bases for eternity.

现在我们可以直呼其名了。Now we are on the first-name bases.

硝酸银是一种盐类化合物。Acids react with bases to form salts.

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为什么一个密码子有三个碱基呢Why are there three bases in a codon?

但是大多数代码基础相当复杂。But most code bases are quite complex.

战略导弹基地和军事基地Strategic missile sites and military bases.

润滑油基础油可以是矿物油或合成油。Lubricant bases can be mineral or synthetic.

适用于麦基地泥浆厂所有人员。Michael bases apply to all personnel mud plant.

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埃尔门多夫是六个装备了F-22的空军基地之一。Elmendorfis one of six bases operating the F-22.

十年的时间,增加到26个国家共51个基地。A decade, to 26 countries and a total of 51 bases.

请洽询管理员,瞭解支援的搜寻基础。Ask your administrator for supported search bases.

帕默,你的研究里涉及到多少种进制?How many bases has your research involved, Palmer?

卵细胞里面的开放碱基对可以被CTCF识别。And open bases can be recognised by CTCF in the egg.

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避免接触酸类、强氧化性介质。Avoid contact with acids, bases or oxidizing agents.

迪尼计划利用该技术,以月尘为原料建造月球基础性建筑。Dini has a plan to build moon bases using moon dust.

对中国来说,这样的军事基地有三点好处。For China, the benefits of such bases are threefold.