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把小麦的壳筛出来。Sift out the wheat from the chaff.

低筋面粉过筛备用。Sift the cake flour and set aside.

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首先,筛分面粉和盐。First, sift the flour and the salt.

把面粉,砂塘和盐混合备用。Sift together flour, sugar and salt.

用细筛过滤牛奶上的奶皮。Sift the milk to remove the milk skin.

那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。She had to sift ashes from the cinders.

面粉及盐筛入碗中揉成面团。Sift in flour and salt to form a dough.

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把面粉筛进碗里,和盐拌匀。Sift the flour into a bowl with the salt.

筛入低筋面粉入蛋黄浆。Sift cake flour into the egg yolk mixture.

面粉,烤粉和食盐混合过筛到盆里。Sift together flour, baking powder and salt.

筛一起自发面粉和盐。Sift together the self-raising flour and salt.

面粉和干酵母混合在一盆内。Sift together the flour and dry yeast in a bowl.

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电脑能够自动筛选和分析成堆的数据。Computers can sift and analyze mountains of that data.

面粉和烤粉过筛加入鸡蛋混合物中,拌匀。Sift the flour and baking powder into the egg mixture.

量好低筋面粉并筛入另外一个碗中。Measure out the cake flour and sift into a separate bowl.

面粉,淀粉和香草粉混合过筛备用。Whisk together flour, starch and vanilla powder and sift.

面粉,淀粉和泡打粉混合在一盆里。Sift flour, starch , and baking powder together in a bowl.

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筛出碎石,把大点的石头堆成一堆。Sift the gravel and put the larger stones in another pile.

面粉过筛到另一个盆里,加入果仁燕麦和砂糖。Sift flour into a separate bowl and mix with muesli and sugar.

对于记者来说,挑战在于如何从宣传中筛选出事实。For journalists, the challenge is to sift fact from propaganda.