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我也觉得,特别是张柏芝。I agree, especially Cecilia Cheung.

的人是。Cecilia Payne This is Cecilia Payne.

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据传,萨科齐前妻塞西莉亚是达蒂的好友。Ms Dati is a close friend of Sarkozy's ex-wife, Cecilia.

但塞西莉亚做的和说的是,我要继续看。But what Cecilia is doing is saying I have got to keep looking.

萨科奇有三个孩子,他于去年10月与塞西莉亚结束了维持11年的婚姻。He ended his 11-year marriage with Cecilia in October last year.

张伯芝怀孕的事情长期以来一直是狗仔队关注的热点。Cecilia Cheung's pregnancy had been a long-time focus of paparazzi.

患有哮喘症的"猫新娘"西西莉亚和主人米兹谢里奇已共度了10年时光。Mitzscherlich has lived with his asthmatic cat Cecilia for 10 years.

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其前妻塞西莉亚则于上月24日在纽约与一位摩洛哥籍公共活动策划人结婚。Cecilia married a Moroccan-born events organizer in New York on March 24.

这样的性能特点是全明星阵容,其中包括塞西莉亚巴尔托利。This performance features an all-star cast that includes Cecilia Bartoli.

塞西莉亚跳舞跳得很好,但她的弱点就是长得太矮。Cecilia is a very good dancer but she is too short.That's her Achilles' heel.

在尼日利亚新闻界,伊布鲁被称为银行界第一夫人。In Nigeria's press, Cecilia Ibru is referred to as the First Lady of Banking.

据嘉玲好友叶童透露,今晚还有盛大派对招待宾客。According to one of the guests Cecilia Yip, there will be a grand party tonight.

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所以在书中,我想要给予罗比和塞西丽亚他们生活中所失去的。So in the book, I wanted to give Robbie and Cecilia what they lost out on in life.

萨科奇曾对他的助手说塞西莉亚是他“唯一搞不定”的人。Sarkozy told his aides that Cecilia was "the only non-negotiable part" of his career.

牛津大学的研究人员西西莉亚•派珀博士说,关于钱的烦恼可能也是压力来源之一。Money worries may also play a part, said Oxford University researcher Dr Cecilia Pyper.

欧盟的民政事务专员玛尔姆斯特伦说,欧盟已经表示愿意对部分移民提供帮助。European Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malstrom says the EU has offered help to some.

在我眼中比较出名的明星夫妻就是张柏芝和谢霆锋。I compare in the eyes of husband and wife is famous star Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse.

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他是作曲家的父亲迈克尔阿恩和称赞女高音塞西莉亚年轻的丈夫。He was the father of composer Michael Arne and the husband of lauded soprano Cecilia Young.

张柏芝日前特别选在吉时以剖腹方式生下一名3,493公克的男婴。Cecilia Cheung recently chose to have a Caesarean section and gave birth to a 3,493g baby boy.

但是大家说我漂亮,说我长得像张柏芝,我还是有点小开心。However, we say that I am beautiful, that I look like Cecilia Cheung, I was a bit small happy.