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很多人认为精致的服饰是文雅的标志。Many people think fine clothes are a mark of gentility.

不洗手,就没有资格要求别人认为你有教养。Unless you washed your hands, you had no claim to gentility.

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他们呆头呆脑的,没意识到你这个人根本是没有什么教养的。Yankees haven't sense enough to know that you haven't any gentility.

人人都很好,但是他却独有一种绅士风度,让我很开心和他共事。People are nice but he has a gentility and open kindness to him that I loved working with.

他身边满是象征高贵身份的东西——狗,马以及精美的画。He surrounds himself with all the trappings of gentility — dogs, horses, and fine paintings.

曼素恩研究中的宁波妇女得益于其勤劳、手巧、明事理的好名声。Susan Mann's Ningbo women benefited from their reputation for diligence, skill, and gentility.

她自认为她的温文尔雅与"粗鲁莽撞"的强力结合来自遗传。"The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics.

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也许是声带的天然性,怎么听都有猫的温柔。Owing to the natural limit of the vocal cords, the roaring only betrays the gentility of the cat.

我要找出那些还在伤害着我的言语,也许这需要我再象以前那样体面一些,才可以找到它们。I am going to hunt words that have not lost their sting, and it may be I shall have to go back to gentility to find them.

她们娇弱而敏感,都是来自美国南方上流社会的南方淑女,是旧南方文化和教养的最佳代言人。All his Southern gentlewoman are delicate and sensitive women who best represent the culture and gentility of the Old South.

韩国城原本由喝酒带动的夜生活,因为卖咖啡带来一点附庸风雅的气息,已经成为这个地区实际上的乡村俱乐部。The businesses have become the area's de facto country clubs by bringing a whiff of gentility to Koreatown's alcohol-fueled night scene.

没有任何事,哪怕是在千万名尖叫的歌迷面前独领风骚的机会,能让乐队偏离他们平淡如水的哼鸣,他们充满理性、优雅斯文。Nothing, not even the chance to solo in front of thousands of screaming fans, can sway the band from its flatlining hum of reason and gentility.

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她的“南京”自然、人文景观展现了旧南京的古朴、幽雅,但“南京”被“上海”边缘化。The natural and human landscapes of "Nanjing" in her novels unfold simplicity and gentility of old Nanjing, but "Nanjing" is edged by "Shanghai".

作为一种贸易记账的工具以及身份的象征,它繁荣了三个世纪,然而却被打字机扼杀。As an essential tool of commerce and finance and an evidence of gentility , it flourished for three centuries and was strangled by the typewriter.

如果学习和温婉是文明的标志,那么也许可以说我们那不算太大的大的大脑正在超越落后的残余,努力扩展着自己。If learning and gentility are signs of civilization, perhaps our almost-big brains are straining against their residual atavism, struggling to expand.

以狮心王理查为代表的中世纪骑士的英勇品质对近代以来英国绅士风度的形成以及公民的人格品质产生了深远的影响。Chivalric prowess of the medieval knights represented by Richard Lionheart had the profound influence on the gentility of the United Kingdom and citizen's characters.

惠特曼毫不畏惧地发出前所未有的吼声,冲破了欧洲一脸斯文的玻璃屏障,最终激励后起的美国诗人以更豪放的声音呼喊。Whitman's fearless, unheard-of voice shattered the glass of European gentility and eventually emboldened later generations of American poets to speak out in wilder tones.

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路西安厌恶英式文雅和社会礼教,对于他来说这些不过是一通伪造,就像是各式各样的符号主义、超现实主义,而现代油画是矫揉造作的。He loathed gentility and social convention. To him they smacked of fakery, like the various artistic symbolisms, Surrealism among them, that modern painting had contrived.

古德没有受过任何学术培训,她成长于战后伯恩茅斯有教养的中产家庭,那时人们认为女子无才是德,只希望妇女成为主妇。Goodall had no academic training, having grown up in the middle-class gentility of Bournemouth in the postwar years, a time when women were expected to be wives and little else.

在整个采访期间,皮亚迪先生身上特有的欧洲人的温文而雅的气质给我们留下了深刻的印象,而徐锦祉先生睿智而不失幽默,权威而稳健的领袖风采更得到了我们所有人的尊敬。If Eric Piatti impressed us with the gentility and refined manners of a European, C. T. Hsu won our respect for his wisdom, humor and a leader's charisma—reliable and authoritative.