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她天真烂漫地说。She said, in her artlessness.

艺术的最高境界就是没有艺术。The highest state of art is artlessness.

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她的朴实得到了许多人的称赞。She received many compliments on her artlessness.

她的朴实得到了许多人的称赞。She was acclaimed by many peoples because her artlessness.

谁也无法解释他的译文显示出的笨拙。No one can explain the artlessness show in his translation.

谁也无法解释他的译文显示出的笨拙。No one could explain the artlessness shown in his translation.

我想要用著纯真无邪的赤子之心唱出我内心山水景色的美。I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child.

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我们要还它以自然,淳朴,新颖的常态。We are intending to render the character of nature, artlessness and novelty back to the normal state.

无论如何,那种新鲜感、那种情事的质朴自然将不再重来。A second eventuality of the same order is unlikely—in any case the freshness, the artlessness of the event would be lost.

同等程度的事件发生第二次是不可能的——毕竟这类事件的新鲜感和纯真感将消失不再。A second eventuality of the same order is unlikely – in any case the freshness, the artlessness of the event would be lost.

片中彭丽媛的搭档是个小男孩,当她第一眼看到那个男孩时,不由得震撼了。才三岁的孩子,眼神里丝毫不见天真烂漫,却写满了与年龄极不相符的孤独和冷漠。In the advertisement, Peng's partner was a boy, who shocked Peng when noticed at the first sight, for his eyes were filled with loneliness and apartness instead of artlessness.