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柑桔类植物的一种疾病。Any of various related plants, such as the rose mallow.

但花葵的蔓延在未来又加上新的恐惧。But the advance of the tree mallow has added new fears for its future.

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金盏花可配搭柠檬片,薄荷,紫罗兰或马鞭草。Calendula may mix with lemon slice, peppermint, blue mallow or Verbena.

将湿地中发现的锦葵根和坚果,水果混合在一起。Taking mallow root found in marshes, they mixed it with nuts and fruit.

鸟类提供阻挡他们繁殖的花葵最好的家园。The birds provide homes for tree mallow which then prevents them breeding.

这是锦葵的花粉。它的刺帮助它牢牢地吸附在鸟类的羽毛上。The pollen from a mallow flower. Its spines help it cling to birds' feathers.

巴尔沙树属于锦葵科,它们生长迅速,成片位于森林的边缘地带。A member of the mallow family, the Ochroma tree lives fast, loose, and on the edge.

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泛德尔沃补充,「例如寄给我们花葵蔓生的沿海地带的照片。They can send us photos of coastal areas where tree mallow is growing, for example.

海雀掘开土地,提供花葵种子最适合生根的地方。It breaks up the ground, providing a perfect place for tree mallow seeds to take root.

紫罗兰花茶以缓和头痛,治疗伤风感冒及保护呼吸系统为主要作用。Blue Mallow tea is capable in relieving headache, helps in flu and protect our breathing system.

紫罗兰茶也可以清洁肝脏,增进食欲及消除便秘。Blue Mallow can also clean your organs, improve disgestive system and helps to relief constipation.

蕴含C&G、丰富的植物精华,小麦胚芽油、锦葵精华、甘菊精华、维他命E等。Contains C&G , rich vegetal essence, wheat germ oil, mallow essence, chamomile essence, vitamin E & so on.

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不刺激,有效的肌肤保护,本款是天然大米牛奶和锦葵精华制成,更有葵花籽油让宝宝的屁屁时刻柔软。A non-irritating yet effective skin protector, this diaper cream has natural rice milk and mallow extracts plus sunflower seed oil to keep baby bottoms soft.