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精灵说,上帝是忧郁的。God said, Fairy is mirthless.

他生硬的笑使我们感到很不舒服。His mirthless smile made all of us uncomfortable.

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我每天开始工作时都会喝杯咖啡。Mirthless My daily routine starts with a cup of coffee.

支持者,”他苦笑着补充一句。"Plus a million supporters, " he adds, with a mirthless laugh.

“是呀!确实要那么办才行,”纽曼回答说。接着他冷冷地笑了笑补充说。Yes. No doubt that's what will be done, " replied Newman , and added with a mirthless laugh."

跟着一句又轻又快的话——“当然我并没有经验,”毫无幽默地强笑一声。Hsinmei quickly added, "Of course, I've no experience, " and laughed a forced, mirthless laugh.

她露出她的白牙齿干笑,那整齐的牙齿好像会咬人。As she parted her lips in a mirthless smile, her even white teeth were bared as if ready to bite.

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在他离开斯佩兰斯基以后,这种有节制的、忧郁的笑声经久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁发出回响。That punctual, mirthless laugh was ringing in Prince Andrey's ears long after he had left Speransky's.

“漂亮的新衣服,”萨布哈对我说,露出悲伤的笑容,“我不知道结婚的真正含义。"Beautiful new clothes," Shobha told me, with a mirthless smile. "I didn't know the meaning of marriage.

“漂亮的新衣服,”萨布哈对我说,露出悲伤的笑容,“我不知道结婚的真正含义。"Beautiful new clothes, " Shobha told me, with a mirthless smile. "I didn't know the meaning of marriage.

随和的人喜欢笑,笑的人不一定快乐,不快乐的人一定是有些脆弱的。The friendly person likes to smile, smiling of person uncertain happiness, the mirthless person must be some weak.

我决心不让我自己的孩子经历我那样的悲伤的童年。I was determined that my own children should not experience anything like the mirthless childhood that I had endured.

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同时,那里还有三个原先是一体的出现了。他们闪烁不定,摇摆,他们编织着那长长的,灰色的,阴森的线,发出的声音好象是悲伤的大笑,白色牙齿的摩擦。Meanwhile there were three that were one, that flickered and flashed and morphed and wove long, grey, grim thread with a sound like mirthless laughter and white teeth.

世界上不快乐的人多了。上帝会派几个快乐的人下来。每一天都在笑。可是。笑就一定代表每天都快乐吗?。The mirthless person had another in the world. God will send a few happy persons down. Every day is smiling. But. Smile is the certain representative all happy everyday?