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她说,“我是科学家。I’m a scientist.

烟囱里喷出一团黑烟。He is a black scientist.

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他是一位一流的科学家He's a superb scientist.

科学家并不这样认为。Not so to the scientist.

科学家解释。The scientist explained.

所以现在是半吊子科学家。On the way to be a scientist.

美国科学家和逻辑学家。U. S. scientist and logician.

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他一心想成为一位科学家。He fawns on being a scientist.

我的胡想是当一名科学家。My dream is to be a scientist.

他还是个有点疯狂的科学家He was a bit of a mad scientist.

一埃克森美孚公司的科学家的观点Hear from an ExxonMobil scientist

你是干什么的,火箭专家么?What are you, a rocket scientist?

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他其实是一个火箭专家。He is actually a rocket scientist.

他是一位有声望的科学家。He is a scientist of high prestige.

明儿我也能成为一名科学家。I will become a scientist some day.

导演选派我扮演科学家。The director cast me as a scientist.

科学家想起了一个好创意。A scientist hase up with a good idea.

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李四光是一位卓越的科学家。Li Siguang was a brilliant scientist.

华罗庚是一位著名的科学家。Hua Luogeng was a well-known scientist.

苏姗,也就是默特先生的妻子是一位科学家。Susan, Mr. Mott's wife, is a scientist.