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收入差异能够培育出絔档木赫馐?。Income disparity can breed a healthy sense of competition.

在穷人和非穷人间也有类似的差距。A similar disparity is found between the poor and non-poor.

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但是更引人注目的是主客场的差距。But even more striking is the disparity between home and road.

各职业收入的差距比较小。The disparity in incomes among different professions was small.

中国目前存在比较大的收入差距和地区差距。There are big income disparity and regional disparity in China.

有可以用来聊天的,也有可以共患难的。Can be used to chat with, but also some of the disparity can be.

研究人员说他们并不很了解差异的原因。The scientists said they did not quite understand the disparity.

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不过,他与罗斯伯格的差距大家也是很清楚的。However, he and Ross Bergh 's disparity everybody is also very clear.

这不一致不能用任何表面生物因素来解释。The disparity cannot be explained by any apparent biological factors.

未来国会是不可能让这种差别继续下去的。There is no way future Congresses will allow that disparity to persist.

为什么要让读者,注意到他逻辑上的矛盾呢?Why is he calling attention, in other words, to this logical disparity?

我们看到了上海的社会差异,我们知道学位意味着什么”。We all saw the social disparity in Shanghai and knew what a degree meant.

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中网之后,她和小威廉姆斯的积分差距缩小到了2位数。After net, she and Serena Williams's integral disparity reduced 2 figures.

但我不认为这些因素中的任何一个可以解释这个矛盾。But I can't think why either of those factors could explain the disparity.

富上下团结贫平易近居住在一路,但居住条件极为相差很远。Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.

山姆·洛克威尔所描述的多样化和感伤绝对使人难以忘怀。The disparity and melancholy that Sam Rockwell portrays is downright haunting.

阐述了国内半挂车发展情况、存在的问题及差距。Internal semitrailer development, existing problem and disparity were analysed.

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信息的不一致和分散让很多组织十分烦恼。Many organizations struggle with the disparity and distribution of information.

采用波差法进行复消色物镜的光学设计。Optical design of apochromatic objective used wave disparity method in this paper.

一场虽然力量悬殊,但结局未卜的较量!Although a great disparity in strength, but the outcome was uncertain of the battle!