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它们通常是人工受精。They are typically artificially inseminated.

人为的状态是痛苦。The artificially self-imposed state is misery.

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解剖法获取精卵,人工授精。Ovums were washed and inseminated artificially.

人为的力挺价格对大家都没好处。Artificially propped up prices are good for no one.

这个器具被用来为母牛实施人工授精。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.

人工地把守进展导致了延迟和等待。Artificially gating progress creates delays and wait.

采用倾斜字型的字元会人为地倾斜。The characters in an oblique font are artificially slanted.

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MILC费用高而且可能使乳产品价格人为的居高不下。MILC is expensive and may keep production artificially high.

否则他们可能人为地限制他们对基础结构的使用。Or they may artificially limit their use of the infrastructure.

蛋可以由雌蟒或者人工用孵蛋器孵化。Eggs can be incubated by the female or artificially in an incubator.

在这种情况下,呼吸得以维持,人为地由一个空气泵。In this case breathing can be maintained artificially by an air pump.

类似的人造白榴火山灰任何人工制造的,相似于白榴火山灰的物质Any of various artificially produced substances resembling pozzuolana ash.

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我说话的声音变得非常优雅,人为地明快,略去了很多元音。My voice becomes exceedingly posh, artificially bright, the vowels clipped.

组办方称,为了建造这尊圣诞老人雕像,她们不可不人工造雪。Organisers say them had to artificially do snow for the Santa Claus sculpture.

对他进行插管和人工通气后,脑电图和CT扫描显示无任何影响。He was intubated and artificially ventilated, without impact on EEG and CT-scan.

人为地规定谈判时限,不仅缺乏合理性,而且也不现实。To set the time frame artificially is not only unreasonable but also impractical.

而且洗碗机的消毒功能更是优于人工洗涮。And the alexipharmic function of dishwasher is excel washs rinse artificially more.

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在许多国家,油价被人为压低,要么通过法令,要么通过补贴。In many countries, oil prices are held artificially low, either by fiat or subsidy.

无论如何,不要购买被人为降低酒精度的酒。But whatever you do, don't buy a wine that has been artificially reduced in alcohol.

显然,人工助推出口在现在看来无异于在歪曲这个世界。Clearly, artificially pumping up exports is now seen as having left the world askew.