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车出问题了,啊?Car trouble, huh?

生活就是这样吧!That’s life, huh?

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无力的,恩。Powerless. Uh huh.

奇妙吧What a world, huh?

意志坚定,恩。Determined. Uh huh.

试音,哈?Some audition, huh?

这真酷,是吧?Boy, this is neato, huh?

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忘记我是将死之人了?。Forgot I was dying, huh?

那你想对我来说,是吧?That you wish for me huh?

你想死在这儿吗,啊?Do you wanna die here, huh?

你现在开始种田了,哈?So you're homesteading , huh?

而我们能够得到帮助,哈?And we could use the help, huh?

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你朋友艾力克放你鸽子?Your friend Eric boned you, huh?

你终于有机会劈腿了,哈?Finally you can cheat on me, huh?

贝纳特先死了接着是你的人真巧啊?。First Bennett, now your guy, huh?

一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?!What an upside down planet, huh?!

给我带来了肉丸子?Oh, you brought me meatballs, huh?

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那么这些就是新来送死的了,哈?So these are the new corpses, huh?

你们,你们都在往那里看?啊?What are you guys looking at? huh?

最近弗朗西斯都做过什么呢?What has Francis done lately, huh?