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第五章救助措施与法律责任Chapter V Succour Measures and Legal Liability

盖茨只好求助于他心爱的软件来排忧解难,他决定全面掌管软件的开发工作。Gates turned for succour to his frist love overseeing software development.

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最后在离目的地大约10英里的地方有一辆面包车停了下来,我得救了。It was a succour to the soul when a van finally pulled up after about 10 miles.

但是伤害已经造成了,全世界的种族主义者没有得到安慰。But the damage has been done, lending succour andcomfortto racists around the globe.

大马士革的亚兰人来帮助琐巴王哈大底谢,大卫就杀了亚兰人二万二千。And when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour Hadadezer king of Zobah, David slew of the Syrians two and twenty thousand men.

现在是另外一次金融危机,古典吉他那为人熟知的音乐片段似乎又开始为艰难年代提供精神慰藉。Now, during another financial crisis, the classical guitar's intimate strains seem again to be offering a spiritual succour in straitened times.

历代备荒、救荒机构设置均以仓储为主,并有严格的管理制度和救助程序。The storage was dominated by grain-storing and people-succouring through all the dynasties, and had a stringent system of management and succour.

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如前所述,她一心一意接济穷苦人,但她伸出的救援之手所得到的回根却是谩骂。The poor, as we have already said, whom she sought out to be the objects of her bounty, often reviled the hand that was stretched forth to succour them.

该规定拓宽了可诉行政行为的领域,将行政合同这种双向行政行为纳入司法救济的范围。The rule opens widely the realm of the administrative behavior that can be initiated prosecution, that brings administrative contract into the judicial succour scope.

像其他的富裕国家一样,当不断增长的通货膨胀使中央银行难以援助受困企业时,英国感到了信用危机带来的经济衰退。Like other rich countries, Britain is feeling the downdraft from the credit crisis at a time when rising inflation makes it hard for the central bank to provide succour.

唉呀,不过卡扎菲上校曾被指责刺杀当时的王储,也就是现在的国王阿卜杜拉,这意味着沙特王室不太可能为他提供帮助。Alas for Colonel Qaddafi, accusations that he once plotted to assassinate the then crown prince, now king, Abdullah, mean he is unlikely to be offered succour by the House of Saud.

民事诉讼作为保护环境权利与解决纠纷的衡平机制,它的产生是基于当事人对司法救济的需要。The civil case in court is the environmental protection right with solving the even mechanism of the dispute, its creation is according to demand of the party concerned to judicial succour.