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锅底的油烟弄脏了我的裤子。The pot crocked my trousers.

这次流行性感冒把他的身体弄垮了。This attack of influenza has crocked him up.

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儿子的死讯最终使他思想崩溃。The news of his son's death finally crocked him up.

这次流行性感冒确实把他的身体搞垮了。This attack of influenza has really crocked him up.

他有点醉,那姑娘也是半醉的样子,他们正在辩论。He was pretty drunk, and the girl was about half crocked herself, and they were arguing.

这位蓝军大将是最新一位上了斯坦福桥长长的伤病名单的重量级人物。The Blues ace is just the latest big name to join a long list of crocked stars at Stamford Bridge.

不过,艰难困苦,迷离弯路都是必须经历的挫折。But hardships & difficulties , wrong paths & crocked roads are the frustration he has to experience.

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卡马拉的经纪人相信对于富勒姆而言,球员仍然有机会转会至罗马。The agent of Diomansy Kamara is convinced a move to Roma is still on for the crocked Fulham forward.

那一阵发烧似乎叫他垮了下来,可是他相信不消几天自己就能够回到工作岗位上来。An attack of fever seems to have crocked him up, but he believes he will be able to come back to work in a few days.

抑或说的就是因勇敢无畏而落得一身伤病,却依然被评为上赛季欧冠最佳后卫的特里本人?Or perhaps JT himself, crocked and battle scarred but still voted best defender in the Champions League last season.

当利物浦在冠军联赛面对马竞的时候,利物浦西班牙球星托雷斯总是身心感触。Liverpool's star Spanish striker, Fernando Torres, was crocked when the Reds faced his former club Atletico Madrid in the Champions League group stages.

生物人工肝反应器中肝细胞的数量和功能是能否有效替代已衰竭肝脏功能的关键,与此紧密相关的是细胞支架材料结构和性能的优化。The numbers and the function of the hepatocytes in the bioartificial liver device is the key point determining the efficiency of the substitution of the crocked up liver.

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亨利在对查尔顿进球后跑到场边和阿德跳舞庆祝,阿德在他缺阵期间成功的完成了自己的角色。He celebrated his goal against Charlton by performing a touchline dance with crocked Togo striker Emmanuel Adebayor, who had led the line successfully in the skipper's absence.