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能看到侧乳,半圆臀部,和一个怪怪的showing side boob, a crescent of butt, and an anatomically

为显示妇女解剖结构的牛仔裤拍一个商业广告?A commercial for a line of anatomically revealing women's jeans?

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但是这些最初的人类在解剖特征上会与我们相似吗?But would these first humans have been anatomically just like us?

做成解剖状的姜饼人,先吃掉最好的部分。Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best parts first.

永远记住,这些形象是在很大程度上及解剖学上是不可能的!Never mind that these images are for the most part, anatomically impossible!

猩猩的大脑和人类的大脑结构上没有太大的区别。The brain of a chimp and the brain of a human are not that different anatomically.

现代解剖学上正确的阴蒂定义为FFWHCs所作出。he modern, anatomically correct definition of the clitoris was developed by the FFWHCs.

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这些钢板是术前解剖型塑形的,这样术中可以最小的弯曲。These plates are anatomically pre-contoured, so require minimal intra-operative bending.

其他的发现引起了是否只有现代智人才能从事象徵思惟的问题。Other finds raise the question of whether symbolism is unique to anatomically modern humans.

结果术中肿瘤全切47例,面神经解剖保留45例。Results 47 cases tumors were totally resected, 45 cases facial nerve were anatomically preserved.

现代人类的起源、演化和迁移是人类学界研究和争议的热点之一。The appearance of anatomically modern Homo sapiens is a hotly debated issue in paleoanthropology.

轻松的肩带和软特里科内衬解剖上正确的腰带给你一个定制适合。Cushy shoulder straps and a soft tricot lined anatomically correct hip belt gives you a custom fit.

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从解剖上讲,不论其大小还是增大的趋势方面,斗鱼室管膜下结节不同。Anatomically , these tumors differ from subependymal nodules by their size and their tendency to enlarge.

结论冠状静脉窦憩室与后间隔旁路存在着解剖关系。Conclusions Coronary sinus diverticulum is anatomically intimately related to the posteroseptal accessory pathway.

尼安德塔人、现代智人也许各自演化出象徵思惟的能力。Perhaps the ability to think symbolically evolved independently in Neandertals and anatomically modern H. sapiens.

一种速度型的鞋型轮廓被设计出来用于减少鞋子自身重量,同时提供更佳的舒适性和稳定性。An anatomically contoured speed last was developed to shave off some grams, while providing better fit and stability.

当时,尼安德特人与解剖学上的现代人类还生活在该地区的西伯利亚,在阿尔泰深山中。At that time, Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans also lived in that region of Siberia, deep in the Altai Mountains.

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我低头看着书桌,以防答案就在那儿,可是我的书上只是胡乱涂着一只在解剖学上正确无误的心脏。I looked at my desk in case the answer was there, but the only thing on my page was a doodle of an anatomically correct heart.

李区示范在美国本土带起一波科学教育革命的高科技拟真娃娃。Leach demonstrated high-tech, anatomically correct manikin babies that are revolutionizing domestic science curricula in the US.

这一婴儿被发现是个两性人,既有子房又有睾丸,而另一个则在解剖学上是男性。The child was discovered to be a hermaphrodite, and has both ovarian and testicular tissue, while the other child is anatomically male.