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卡扎菲和儿子赛义夫仍在躲藏。Col. Gadhafi and his son Seif are in hiding.

山坳里尽是些曲曲弯弯的羊肠小道。There are a lot of winding footpaths in the col.

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亨特中校检查出血状况,开始给他输血。Lt Col Hunter checks for haemorrhages and gives blood.

指挥官马耶勒在刚果东部的瓦利卡尔被捕。Lt Col Mayele was arrested in Walikale in eastern Congo.

他冲了个冷不浴来恢复精神,然后又继续回去工作了。He refreshed himself with a col bath, then go back to work.

跟着是徐曼丽和雷参谋一前一后地也溜了出去。Then Hsu Man-li slipped out, closely followed by Col . Lei.

塞勒姆•艾尔•马洪在利比亚被卡扎菲上校的军队所逮捕。Salem al-Madhoun was arrested by Col. Qaddafi's forces in Libya.

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这是卡扎菲上校以东160公里的福祉保卫家乡苏尔特。It is 160km east of Col Gaddafi's well-defended hometown of Sirte.

资金短缺是制约高校发展的主要原因。Fund shortage restricts the development of col leges and universities.

“我们使用了大量的弹药”该部一名中校说。"We used a lot of fire, " said an officer in the group, Lt. Col. Ofer.

政府官员曾暗示卡扎菲是在交火中被打死的。Government officials have suggested Col. Gadhafi was killed in crossfire.

这次坍毁事故为英国陆军中校威廉?里德所目击。This collapse was witnessed by Lt. Col . William Reid of the British Army.

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有人说芭堤雅是罪犯的天堂。“There are people who say Pattaya is the paradise of criminals,” said Col.

拉瓦说,北约的重点是通过谈判化解冲突。Col. Lavoie said NATO's emphasis was on resolving the conflict through talks.

他抬起头,从后视镜里看着我,回答道,“我要去堡垒向特拉维斯上校报告,墨西哥人冲过来了。”I've got to get to the fort and report to Col. Travis that the Mexicans are here!

据新华社报道,飞行员大校邱光华再过一个月就退休了。The pilot, Col. Qiu Guanghua, had been just one month from retirement, Xinhua said.

卡扎菲上校说,欧洲各国政府和基地组织煽动利比亚青年反抗。Col Gaddafi said European governments and al-Qaeda had incited Libyan youth to revolt.

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欧洲对上校布拉穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在利比亚的暴政的早些反应是很有希望的。Europe's early response to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s brutality in Libya was promising.

欧洲对上校布拉穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在利比亚的暴政的早些反应是很有希望的。Europe’s early response to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s brutality in Libya was promising.

具有讽刺意义的倒是,阿拉伯国家一直把卡扎菲当成害群之马。Ironically, it was on the Arab front that Col Gaddafi kept his black sheep status alive.