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触碰检查有无触痛。Palpate to detect tenderness.

通常在触诊之前应先听诊腹部。Always auscultate the abdomen before you palpate it.

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浅部触诊身体大部分区域,包括手臂和腿。Lightly palpate most of the body, including arms and legs.

对最高心跳强度点做触诊,在检查部位的皮肤涂上接触凝胶。Palpate the PMI, and applying contact gel to the overlying skin.

毕竟,每次腹部触诊医生依靠的就是这种差异。After all, doctors rely on such differences every time they palpate your abdomen.

我要做的是触摸你的牙龈以确定其完好和坚固。What I want to do is to palpate your gums to make sure that they're nice and firm.

接下来,用你的前两指,感觉或触摸桡动脉上的脉搏。Next, with your first two fingers, feel or palpate for a pulse on the radial artery.

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在他们预期的任意时间,研究者能触诊到头皮并找到每个导向套筒的位置。At any time he desired, the investigator could palpate the scalp and find the location of each of the sleeve guides.

轻轻地触摸一侧的颈动脉搏动,然后触摸另一侧。Gently palpate for carotid pulses on one side, then the other. Proceed only if bilateral carotid pulses are palpable.

我会把我的手指放到你的嘴里,然后触诊,如果你感觉牙龈不适,请告诉我。And I'm just going to put my finger in your mouth here, and I'm just going to palpate , tell me if you feel anything at all in your gums.

心肺复苏时,评估按压的有效性,应检查哪处的脉搏?To assess the effectiveness of cardiac compressions during adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the nurse should palpate which pulse site?

另一个优点是,藉由小型腹腔手术,可以做子宫触诊,并可触摸到小块的纤维瘤,而这一点是腹腔镜手术法所做不到的。The other advantage is you're able to palpate the uterus and feel small fibroids that ordinarily could not be felt or recognized with a laparoscopic approach.

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触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。B. Palpate auricle for texture, tenderness, and presence of lesions. If client complains of pain, gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.

医生应该进行触诊来发现子宫是否固定、后倾、附件和子宫是否有压痛,沿着宫骶韧带是否能触到盆腔肿瘤和结节。Physical examination. The physician should palpate for a fixed, retroverted uterus, adnexal and uterine tenderness, pelvic masses or nodularity along the uterosacral ligaments.