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另一些人,他们在处理数学问题上存在障碍,则可能患有计算困难。Someone who has trouble with mathematics may have dyscalculia.

患有计算障碍症的孩子在读数和记住数字方面有困难。Children with dyscalculia have trouble reading numbers and picturing them in their mind.

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大部分正常人都可以轻松自如地处理数字。但有计算障碍的人就不行了。Most people process numbers very easily ?almost automatically ?but people with dyscalculia do not.

计算障碍症意思就是“数数很差”,这个意思有点讽刺,因为每个得了这个病的人需要经常数数。Dyscalculia means “counting badly” which is ironic since those who suffer from it need to count often.

根据研究结果显示,计算障碍是遗传而来,特殊情况也可能是大脑异常导致的。According to researchers dyscalculia is inherited, and specific abnormalities in the brain might be a cause.

这可能有助于解释为什么儿童在数字文化中有发展性计算障碍觉得如此艰难来学习算术。This may help explain why children in numerate cultures with developmental dyscalculia find it so difficult to learn arithmetic.

专家指出,有计算障碍的学生完成作业需要更多时间。S同时建议,应该允许他们使用计算器学习。Experts say students with dyscalculia need extra time to complete their work. S also advises let ting them work with a calculator in school.

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不同的学习障碍有不同的名称。例如有阅读困难的人是语言障碍症。有数学困难的人是计算障碍症。There are different names for different disorders. For example a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia. Someone who has trouble with mathematics may have dyscalculia.

专家们称,这种能够让部分大脑“打开”或者“闭合”的方法为一系列问题的解决提供了新思路,这些问题包括计算困难和因动脉急性阻塞造成的视觉损伤等。Experts said that the ability to "turn up" and "turn down" parts of the brain at will open the door to treating a range of problems, from dyscalculia to stroke-related visual damage.

不同的紊乱有不同的名字。例如,一个人阅读有困难就称作诵读困难。一个人学数学有麻烦那么就叫计算困难。There are different names for different disorders . For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia. Someone who has trouble with mathematics may have dyscalculia.