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生火腿如何个吃法呢?How to eat raw prosciutto?

如何制作生火腿呢?how to make raw prosciutto?

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那是来自意大利的火腿!That's prosciutto from Italy.

“你可以继续享用安全的意大利火腿”,他说。"You can continue to eat safely your prosciutto , " he said.

迷迭香的火腿鸡扒洋葱剁碎成精。Chop onions for prosciutto rosemary chicken into a fine mince.

首先是清洗,腌制。Italian prosciutto is made by first cleaning and salting a ham.

意小原非常他们的水腿农艺而高傲。Italian people are really proud of century-old prosciutto production.

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其实不然,哈密瓜的甜味可以中和火腿里的咸味。But the sweetness of fresh fruit will balance the saltiness of prosciutto.

非常适合搭配重口味乳酪或腌熏肉类,如帕玛火腿等。Enjoy this wine with sharp cheeses or cured meats such as Parma Prosciutto.

烘焙白芦笋意面配蛋蜜乳,罂粟籽火腿意式扁面。Baked white asparagus pasta with egg cream, tagliatelle with poppy seeds and prosciutto.

用一张纸厚度的意大利熏火腿包住每个李子干,用牙签扎住。Wrap a paper-thin slice of prosciutto around each dried plum and secure with a toothpick.

将意大利熏火腿单层的铺在烤盘上,烘烤8分钟直到卷曲,起皱。Place the prosciutto , in a single layer, on a baking tray. Bake in oven for 8 minutes or until crisp.

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火腿出现在普通家庭的饭桌上,也能在意大利国宴上找到。Prosciutto can be found in ordinary people's plate as well as on the table of an Italian state banquet.

中部的人们用它和蔬菜放在一起煮。In Northern Italy, people use prosciutto as dumpling fillings, and in Central Italy it's boiled with vegetables.

下次去意大利餐厅时,点一份火腿哈密瓜开胃菜。Next time when you have dinner in an Italian restaurant, order yourself prosciutto with cantaloupe to start the meal.

如果你想把帕尔马火腿和南瓜组合成一份真正的意大利小吃,它将花费你很多钱。If you want to assemble an authentic Italian appetizer of prosciutto and melon, it'll cost you uno braccio e una gamba.

它可以用在沙拉中,在新鲜的甜味水果片表面附上一片薄薄的生火腿,特别是和哈密瓜配在一起,绝对美味。It can be used in salads. Try wrapping a slice of prosciutto around a slice of sweet fresh fruit -- with soft cantaloupes it's amazing.

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尾先搁正在冷和的暖度外,直到肉外的水汽全数蒸收失落,然先搁入低暖度外。Afterwards, Italian prosciutto is hung to air dry, first at warm temperatures until moisture in the meat evaporates, and then in cooler temperatures.

把一块去皮的鸡胸肉放在意大利生火腿片上,沿着肉的长条方向切开,足以放下芒果和布里芝士。Place a skinned chicken breast on the prosciutto. Cut an incision lengthways along the chicken breast to allow the mango and brie to be stuffed inside.

卡博尼在唐人街采购食材,拿起一块有他胳膊那么长的冬瓜,色泽雪白,但是把冬瓜和意大利熏火腿放到一块,是产生不了什么味觉奇迹的。On a shopping trip to Chinatown, Mr. Carbone picked up a wedge of ghostly white winter melon as long as his arm, but it and prosciutto didn’t make magic together.