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他耸耸肩表示对那房间的住户不屑一顾。He shrug his low opinion of the occupant of the room.

墓主人是一位应国国君,墓葬的埋葬年代为春秋早期早段。The occupant of the tomb was a King of the Ying State.

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走廊的占有者向外部漂去,走出这些“管道”。The occupant is levitated toward the outside, out of these "tubes".

占用这个沙发的是一个大胖子,足足有120公斤重,他老是坐这个沙发,沙发因此陷下去了。The sofa sank in under the constant weight of the occupant with a full 120kg.

这间办公室的主人是一个叫V.M.Williamson的,这是个不整洁的家伙。The occupant of this office is one V. M.Williamson, and he’s a very untidy guy.

那天上午咖啡室里除了这位穿褐色礼服的先生再也没有客人。The coffee-room had no other occupant that forenoon than the gentleman in brown.

现在的住户想找两位女士来合租这个三居室的房子。The present occupant is looking for two females to share the three-bedroom house.

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在英联邦一所节能房屋能探测居住者是否生病。An energy-efficient house system in the U.K. can detect if the occupant has fallen ill.

奥巴马坚持,自己和以前的任何一位美国总统一样,都是支持商业的。Mr Obama insists that he is as pro-business as any previous occupant of the White House.

顺着她的目光一瞧,原来座位上不知哪位乘客不注意,掉了几滴水,弄温了椅面。I cast eyes in that direction and found the seat moistened by a previous occupant unawares.

还包括驱动器以外的乘员安全锁对可能的外部威胁。Also included is drive-away locking for occupant security against possible external threats.

乘客可接受的加速度和基于整车性能预期的制动策略。Acceptable occupant accelerations and restraint strategies based on expected vehicle performance.

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若佔领者从某一地区撤退,或被敌军逐出,佔领就终止。In case the occupant evacuates the district or is driven out by the enemy, the occupation ceases.

船上只有一条狗,它疯狂地吠了起来,咬着上船人的脚跟。A dog, who was the sole occupant of the vessel, furiously barked and bit the heels of the boarders.

经理从容地把1号房的客人挪到2号,2号的挪到4号,3号的挪到6号,以此类推。The unflappable manager moves the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 4, room 3 to room 6, and so on.

只要有新的客人来,经理就把1号房间的客人换到2号,2号房间的客人换到3号,以此类推。Whenever a new guest arrives, the manager shifts the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 3, and so on.

一个有感知力的表带能自动探测疾病或是老年居住者的心脏问题,并发出警报。A sensing wristband automatically detects a fall or heart problems in an elderly occupant and can send an alert.

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黄昏的光线逐渐暗淡下来,皮卡内黑漆漆的,但她知道那司机一直在盯着她。The dusk light was failing and the interior of the pickup was dark but she knew the occupant was staring at her.

墙上的那张空画正在缓慢而深长的呼吸,彷佛它上面那个看不见的居住者也睡著了。The blank picture on the wall was now breathing very slowly and deeply, as though its invisible occupant was asleep.

兹为加强停车场保安措施,业户泊车证须每二年更换一次。In order to enhance the security control within Carpark, OCCUPANT PARKING PERMITS must be renewed once per two years.