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如何得知贡茶这品牌?。How do you know Gong Cha ?

又称边销茶。Also known as Bianxiao Cha.

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你有没有韵诗献给我?Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?

一心抱区区,惧君不识察。Hold a heart, fear not Jun cha.

“我并不在意考试费,”Cha女士说。“I didn’t mind, ” said Ms. Cha.

我喜欢金庸的武侠小说。I like Kungfu novels by Louis Cha.

槎山是道教的重要发祥地。Cha Shan is the birthplace of Taoism.

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一刹真情,不能说那是假的。Cha truth, can not say that is false.

一位交通警务人员朴贞锡说,“我每次看车女士失败都感到很抱歉。I feel sorry every time I see Cha fail.

踩在它们身上发出嚓嚓的声音。Tread upon them to issue Cha Cha's voice.

在贡茶经常购买的饮品?。Which drink are you buy in Gong Cha always?

表明CHA有良好的成骨作用。It suggested that CHA had good osteogenesis.

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嘻哈文明永远不会由于时间而停止改造。Hip-pop culture will not stop when time cha veryge.

怪不得帝刹桀那样的担心自己。No surprise that emperor Cha Jie so of fret oneself.

嘻哈文明永远不会由于时间而停止改换。Hip-pop culture will not stop when time cha strongge.

此代价可以不经通知自行调整。This price is subject to cha new goodge without notice.

大鹏云雾茶没有任何污染,色、香、味俱全。Mirs Yunwu Cha no pollution, color, smell and taste sale.

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下午的晚些时候我们将返回华欣和差安。In the late afternoon we will return to Hua Hin and Cha Am.

叉烧包是众多点心中比较经典的一款。Cha siu baau is a typical part of the varied Dim Sum dishes.

帝刹桀一愣,被发现了么。The emperor Cha Jie is one Leng, disheveled hair immediately.