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他不能被饶恕。He cannot be forgiven.

我已经原谅她了,现在怎么办呢?I’ve forgiven her, what now?

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债券持有者们放弃了一些债务追索权。Bondholders have forgiven debts.

外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。An injury is forgiven more easily

我可以原谅一个蠢汉。I could have forgiven a dumb brute.

孔子又回来了,所有过错不再计较。Come back, Confucius, all is forgiven.

许多欧洲人不会原谅他。Many in Europe have never forgiven him.

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我们需要怎样原谅与被原谅。How do we need to forgive and be forgiven?

但是,无私的您,都一一原谅了我们。But, selfless you, all 11 have forgiven us.

你对神不敬将得不到宽恕。You will not be forgiven for your impieties.

我想他自今都没有原谅自己。I think he's never forgiven himself for that.

她不理他,因为她还没有原谅他。She snubs him because she hasn't forgiven him.

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我这么老不死,他们一直都不原谅我。They've never forgiven me for living this long.

如果你没有被原谅,你如何去原谅人?I3. How can you forgive if you were not forgiven?

如果你答错了,直到昨天为止你都将被原谅。Until yesterday you could be forgiven the mistake.

蒙神赦罪的人是有福的。Blessed are those who are forgiven their sins by God.

来聊聊吧,你是如何原谅那个伤害你的人?Talk about how you have forgiven the one who hurt you?

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中国领导人说话让人有点糊涂是可以原谅的。China's leaders can be forgiven for a bit of confusion.

帕雷特的儿子拥抱了格里菲斯,并告诉他,他被宽恕了。The son embraced Griffith and told him he was forgiven.

那尼尼微人当时不就被赦免了吗?Is not that people in Nineveh were forgiven at that time?