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我们的舱位在船的中腰。Our cabin is amidships.

那是一个宝刹的一个小木屋。B cabin that's a temple.

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我们是房舱旅客。We are cabin passengers.

我们睡在一个小船舱里。We slept in a small cabin.

机舱内充满了烟味。The cabin is full of smoke.

整个机舱挺狭小的。The cabin is quite cramped.

米米小屋装潢得还不错。Mimi cabin decor quite well.

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这小屋是用圆木造的。The cabin was built of logs.

布莱克松走进了舰队司令的大舱房。He went into the great cabin.

点解会选择做机舱服务员?。Why did you become a cabin crew?

我坐在克尔的小屋里等她。I sat in Corre's cabin and waited.

你的舱位在船中部。You' ll find your cabin amidships.

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请替我在船上订一间舱房。Please book me a cabin on the ship.

船长在他的船舱里喝醉了。The captain was drunk in his cabin.

LJ在那座郊外的小屋里洗手。LJ washes his hands inside the cabin.

我们的木屋有很大的烟囱。Our log cabin has a large smokestack.

茅屋檐下有一盏灯。Under the cabin roof was one lantern.

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Nick和Veronica开门走进了一间乡村小屋。Nick opens the door to a rustic cabin.

驾驶舱最大可倾斜90度。The cabin can incline up be 90 degree.

朔风在我们小屋周围怒号。The north wind howled around our cabin.