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这纯粹是一个谎言。This was a total lie.

每个波总福佑。Each wave total bliss.

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我那时候完全是个书呆子,So I was a total geek,

一共有12个电子。So we had a total of 12.

共图发展。Total plans Development.

总长度是2πa Total length is 2pi a.

她是相当地才貌双全。She was a total knockout.

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系统有一个总能量。They have a total energy.

两者总容量为8192字节。Total size is 8192 bytes.

条子中总棉结数量高。High total neps in sliver.

道达尔拒绝置评。Total declined to comment.

只显示总金额怎么样?What about just the total?

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你完全是孤立无援的。You’re in total isolation.

因此,2.5万球迷,我总要求。So total 25k fan i require.

地拉那完全陷入无政府状态。Tirana is in total anarchy.

总热量是160卡路里。Total calories are only 160.

你算出的总数和我算出的是一致的。You total tallies with mine.

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所以一共是三十八场。so that's 38 games in total.

他们一共找到了40个左右。They found about 40 in total.

不能像日全蚀那样完全遮挡住太阳。As it does in a total eclipse.