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但是东芝认定AACS的安全性已足够。But Toshiba decided that AACS was enough security.

东芝公司是此类影碟机的主要供应商。The Toshiba company is the main supplier of the players.

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日本东芝公司声称要开始制造蓝光光盘播放器。Toshiba said it would start manufacturing Blu-ray disc players.

东芝同时也为日本宫古岛做着相似的工作。Toshiba is doing similar work for the Japanese island of Miyako.

或者沿用东芝Libretto的双屏幕么?Or something along the lines of the dual-screen Toshiba Libretto?

LG显示的客户则主要是飞利浦、LG、松下和东芝。The clients of LG Display are Philips, LG, Panasonic and Toshiba.

2010年3月17日,东芝公司制造出最后一个白炽灯泡。On March 17, 2010 Toshiba produced its last incandescent light bulb.

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东芝表示,尚未接到诉状,因此不便置评。Toshiba said that it had not received a complaint so could not comment.

在美国“破财消灾”后,东芝去年底在自身的网站上提供免费下载的“补丁”软件。By the end of last year, after paying the US consumers, Toshiba put up free.

目前东芝公司一个可能的亮点就是新首席执行长对公司业务知根知底。A possible bright spot for Toshiba is the business that the new CEO knows best.

我的东芝笔记本在全速运转时温度极高,因为风扇就是不肯转。Q My Toshiba laptop overheats when it works hard, since the fan never comes on.

1998年椎名与东芝EMI唱片签约,Oricon编辑Katsuragi便是在这时遇见的她。In 1998 she signed with Toshiba EMI records. That's when Oricon editor Katsuragi met her.

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摩托罗拉、三星和东芝都计划在他们的电视产品中加入雅虎挂件。Motorola, Samsung, and Toshiba are all planning to add Yahoo Widgets on some of their new TVs.

此僵局直到2008年东芝宣布将停产其产品才得到了解决。The logjam was resolved in 2008 when Toshiba announced it would stop manufacturing its system.

关键的年终购物旺季即将来临,先前就有人预测过,东芝可能会做出这样的决策。Some kind of decision from Toshiba had been expected ahead of the key year-end shopping season.

原来的房主把他家那台比较新的27英寸东芝电视机留给了我们。The owners left their relatively new 27-inch Toshiba TV behind. It wasn't a high-definition TV.

东芝已和该生联系,将为其免费更换一台新机。Toshiba contacted Rossmann and offered to provide him with a replacement set for free, he said.

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我使用的是东芝L3100笔记本电脑,英特尔迅驰酷睿2处理器,120GB硬盘,2GB的DDR2内存。I am using a Toshiba L3100 laptop, Intel Centrino processor core 2 duo, 120GB hdd, 2GB DDR2 RAM.

索尼公司在该地区的六家子公司将暂停运转,东芝公司暂停了芯片生产线。Sony suspended operations at six components factories in the area, and Toshiba halted a chip plant.

另外,作为这次合作战略的其它部分,两家公司还将扩大专利交叉授权的范围。As part of the strategic collaboration Hynix and Toshiba have extended their patent cross licensing.