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当时的民意调查印证了肯尼迪的说法,政客确实并不受人欢迎。Polls from the time bear out JFK's maxim about the unpopularity of politicians.

这项任命更耐人寻味的是,连马先生本身的政党人士也不支持。The appointment is doubly interesting because of its unpopularity within Mr Ma's own party.

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“血腥的星期日”和“波将金号兵变”的部分原因是战争的不得人心。Bloody Sunday and the Potemkin Mutiny were both partly caused by the unpopularity of the war.

但是,鉴于“茶党”日益不得人心,这次也许是科赫兄弟的最后一次欢呼了。However, given the growing unpopularity of the Tea Party, this may be the Kochs' last hurrah.

冷落会使他伤痛,就是某处的一点怠慢,也会让他痛苦不堪。Snubs hurt him, and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness.

飓风的通道效果使之不再德鲁依中流行。The channeling aspect of the Hurricane spell has met with some unpopularity in the Druid community.

由于福加特主义不得民心,迈克尔转而又对改进贫民窟问题发生兴趣。Foggartism having met with high disfavor and unpopularity , Michael became interested in slum improvement.

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他们认为委员会应该甘冒不受欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes.

这种负面看法大大削弱了北京的影响力,并制约了在该地区行使权力的能力,迪布和李说到。This unpopularity undermines Beijing'sinfluence and capacity to wield power in the region, Dibb and Lee said.

他经验丰富,嘴里念叨的不得人心在美国,尽管他的工作留在欧洲流行的整个职业生涯。He experienced spells of unpopularity in America, though his work stayed popular in Europe throughout his career.

评论者都说巴伐利亚州严格的反烟法可能使地区政客不受欢迎。Commentators have said Bavaria's strict anti-tobacco law may have contributed to the unpopularity of regional politicians.

每个社会都有一套观念,应该相信什么,如何待人接物,否则就会遭到怀疑,不容于众。Every society has notions of what one should believe and how one should behave in order to avoid suspicion and unpopularity.

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郑必坚认为中国需要利用华盛顿的不得人心,投射它自己的“软实力”。Zheng has argued that China needs to exploit Washington's unpopularity by projecting its own "soft power," or cultural and political appeal.

由于越来越多的农民反对征地自肥的地方官员,党的声望受损。The party faces rising unpopularity as more peasants protest against local officials who confiscate farmland for development and self-enrichment.

但无人攻击机袭击也造成了不少巴基斯坦普通民众的伤亡,这也是空袭行动在巴基斯坦遭到强烈反对的原因之一。The drone attacks have also killed scores of Pakistani civilians, however, which is part of the reason for their extreme unpopularity in Pakistan.

鉴于性瘾癖这个词如此的不受认可,像伍兹这样的名人的坦陈则显得十分冒险,起码他没有否认啊。But the unpopularity of the term means that for a celebrity such as Woods, it's still fairly risky to confess—or at least not deny—being in sex rehab.

西点军校的演讲时,他宣布虽然阿富汗战争在国内并不受欢迎但是他还是向那里派遣援助部队。That speech at West Point was the one in which he announced that he was sending reinforcements to Afghanistan in spite of the war’s unpopularity at home.

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虽然曾荫权的低支持率对亲民主派政党的选举有利,但此次立法会选举之际香港社会对民主问题的讨论却并不热烈。Though Mr. Tsang's unpopularity should be a boon to the pro-democratic parties, the election falls during a relatively quiet period in the democracy debate.

尽管人们很少喝茶是因为价格贵,可即使是适当禁酒主义者通过活动把茶叶关税降低了一半后,喝茶的人还是不多。Although tea's unpopularity was usually attributed to its high price, its popularity remained low even after temperance advocates succeeded in getting the impost halved.

周日另一项地区选举结果对德国总理梅克尔领导的中右翼执政联盟而言是灾难性的,表明向欧元区陷入债务危机的国家提供援助这件事得不到民众的支持.The unpopularity of rescuing euro zone debtors was reflected in another disastrous regional poll result for German Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right coalition on Sunday.