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“又”可以用于预计之内的重复。"yòu" also indicates the repetition which is expectable.

很奇怪吗?同时它也是很出乎预料的。Sounds strange? Yes. But at the same time it was quite expectable.

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仿真试验结果表明该设计方法可以达到很好的补偿效果。The result show that this design has expectable compensating effect.

这是期待,我应该完成的一些事情我可以做一个有意义的春节。It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.

分析表明,今后可预期的一段时间内,中国的货币迷失率将逐步走低。The result shows that Chinese money maze rate would gradually decrease in the expectable future.

从中可以看到画家对生活,既有静冬里甘于平淡的沉稳,又有待春的激情。From artist's lifestyle, we see the flat stable in quite winter and passion in expectable spring.

实验室根据当前和预期的任务制定人员的培训计划。According to the present circumstance and expectable plan, Our lab made a series of training courses.

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经相关的实验及波形分析,表明该系统满足预期的设计要求。It is proved by design experiments and simulation waves that this design accords with the expectable requirements.

结论该缓释片处方合理,制备工艺简单,达到了预期结果。CONCLUSION The sustained-release tablets reach the expectable results with its reasonable formulation and simple technology.

系统试运行的情况表明,该系统运行良好并且较好地实现了预期目标。The circumstance of the system testing proved that the system operates well and it has achieved the expectable target goodly.

其次,文章对这种语言行为可能产生的取效行为也加以了分析和概括。As a kind of a speech act, the ostensible invitation has two expectable perlocutins. The possible perlocutions are discussed in the study.

提供一套实用的思路和方法,满足美容者个性化、可预期的要求,同时降低医疗风险,提高手术的满意率。The methods not only meet the personal and expectable demands of patient but also reduce the risk and raise the satisfaction of operation.

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期待可能性的判断标准众多,各有优劣,且彼此间存在紧密的内在联系。There are kinds of viewpoints for criteria on the estimation of the expectable possibility, all of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

相对于其他行业来说,钢铁企业对于ERP的需求更加旺盛,我国许多大型钢铁企业也已经有成功实施ERP的经验。Many enterprises have implemented ERP and gain expectable profits from it. The iron and steel enterprises are much more eager for ERP compared to other industries.

该产品在减少环境污染和对石油资源的依赖性方面有很好的应用前景。It is expectable that those products could decrease the environmental pollution produced from use of unbiodegradable materials and less depend on petroleum resource.

随着时间的推移,我们将“精神障碍”这一术语运用到每日生活中普遍的痛苦、悲痛和折磨的界限愈加放松了。Over the course of time, we've become looser in applying the term 'mental disorder' to the expectable aches and pains and sufferings of everyday life," Frances says.

期待可能性的判断是责任判断的必经阶段,故意、过失、责任能力的判断不能代替之。As an essential stage of the estimation of the criminal culpability, the expectable possibility can not be replaced by intention, negligence and criminal capacity in fact.

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东海大桥作为洋山深水港唯一的陆路集疏运通道、全长约32.5公里的东海大桥、也是中国第一座外海跨海大桥应时而生,它带来的作用令人期待。As the only route that links Yangshan Port to other places, 32.5-kilometer-long Donghai Bridge is China's first pelagic cross-sea bridge, which its function is expectable.

考虑到右翼集团在国会中占据的多数席位,利库德党在已经如火如荼进行中的政治斗争中好像将面临更加光明的内阁重组前景。In light of the right-wing bloc's majority, Likud appears to face a brighter cabinet-making picture in the expectable intense political jockeying that is already underway.

仿真结果表明该方案能够有效地提高平流层通信系统容量,节省波束资源,并且在变化的用户分布情况下保持容量的稳定性。The numerical results show that a higher and more stable system capacity is expectable despite variation of user distribution, and large number of beams are also economized.