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他花了他的童年在产前和祖鲁兰。He spent his childhood in Natal and Zululand.

在传统的本命占星中,这是死亡之宫。In conventional natal horoscopes it is the house of death.

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本命盘能揭示一个人一生中的所有事情吗?Can the natal chart reveal everything that happens to a person?

经行出生行星时会使其成为焦点,更个人化。Transits over a natal planet bring it into focus, make it more personal.

果实如若有情,也是恋栈的。If fruit is affectionate, he will be loath to give up his natal place too.

这是纳塔耳大学植物病理学系的网站。This is the website of Department of Plant Pathology , University of Natal.

该患者患有臀沟和脐溃疡以及肛周脓肿。The patient had a natal cleft and umbilical ulceration and a perianal abscess.

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关于他的生卒年,近年学术界提出了一种新的观点。With regard to his natal and obituary year, there is a new point of view lately.

一旦大脑进入学习状态,它及其相关分析数据就会打包输入纳塔尔系统。Once the brain is done learning, it and its stats get packaged into the Natal system.

一只鲑鱼在返回其出生地的时候撞到了水坝,尽管如此鲑鱼还是要寻找其出生溪流。A salmon that runs into a dam when homing in on her natal stream cannot make other plans.

北交图和本命盘在结构特性上单独的比较就已经十分有趣。The individual comparison between natal and draconic structure patterns also interesting.

1997年纳塔尔·德拉肯斯堡公园被列入拉姆萨尔国际重要湿地。The Natal Drakensberg Park was designated a Ramsar Site of International Importance in 1997.

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如果本命盘中的海王星受克,那么可能会发生自我欺骗或丧失个性。Self-delusion or loss of individuality may occur if Neptune was afflicted in the natal chart.

大赦国际收集了来自姆蓬马朗加省和夸祖鲁纳塔尔省的三十七位妇女的陈述。Amnesty gathered statements from thirty-seven women in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal provinces.

若这是真的,那么本命盘就真的能揭示一个人的“一切”。If that is true, then the natal chart would indeed reveal 'everything' that happens to a person.

这是我一生中在夜阑人静时却要集中精神工作的开始,那是个妇科病房,也与一个产前房相连。It was my first night duty worked in a gynecology ward which connected with the ante- natal ward.

在今年晚些时候,它将开始销售种代号为“Natal计划”的游戏套件。Later this year, it will begin selling a version of its gaming accessory code-named Project Natal.

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引起出生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血病。Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in natal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.

总体的焦点和障碍范围将来自于本命盘中摩羯座所管辖的宫位。General focus and areas of obstructions will come from the house ruled by Capricorn in the natal chart.

用于测序的细菌来自夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省德班的爱德华八世医院的一位患者。The bacteria analysed were taken from a patient in Durban's King Edward VIII Hospital in KwaZulu Natal.