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网供排水。Mesh for drainage.

人工运河、排水渠、壕沟。Canals and drainage channels, ditches.

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对于PA,应行脓肿切开引流。Open drainage should be performed for PA.

永城矿区某矿排水钻孔设计孔深584。A drainage borehole designed depth is 584.

落水头压下,排杆关闭,面盆储水。Press down pop-up to close drainage. lift.

排水不利容易使土地淹水。Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.

引流是一种理想的治疗方法。Drainage of the fluid is the ideal treatment.

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公路上还新修了排水管道和边沟。Drainage pipes and gutters are being installed.

将排水配件和连结器连接起来。Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

斗式排沙装置是该取水头部的关键组成部分。Bucket sand drainage installation is its key part.

在地基中开洞,以便排水。Make holes through the base to allow for drainage.

将排水配件和连结器连接起来。B. Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

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实践表明这是一种较好的疏干方式。Practice shows that this is a good drainage method.

管持续引流胆汁可降低胆总管压力。T-tube drainage can decrease the bile duct pressure.

面板底部加设排水系统。The drainage system is arranged under the face slab.

舱底水油分离器泄放柜高位报警。Bilge water separator drainage tank high level alarm.

传统的囊肿内引流术应该放弃。The traditional internal drainage should be abandoned.

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艏楼甲板应该有小的舷弧用于排水。The forecastle deck will have small sheer for drainage.

为排出槽内和排水管中的水,应使排水阀保持开状态。Water drainage hose, charging valve shall be kept open.

进行经皮肺脓肿引流。Percutaneous drainage of a lung abscess was carried out.