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贸易保护关税和对农场的补助也说明了同样的问题。Protectionist tariffs and farm subsidies illustrate the same problem.

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残存的保护主义壁垒只会损害这些卓著成果。The remaining protectionist barriers only detract from those huge successes.

要警惕和纠正形形色色的隐性保护主义行为。We must guard against and redress all forms of covert protectionist activities.

要警惕和纠正形形色色的隐性保护主义行为。We should be wary of and correct all kinds of covered-up protectionist behaviors.

然而在今天的美国,保护主义政策却正在悲剧性地复辟。And yet even in the US today, protectionist policies are making a tragic comeback.

象意大利和法国这些国家已经强烈感受到保护注意者压力。There already strong protectionist pressures in countries such as Italy and France.

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这项法案也含有“购买美国货”这样赤裸裸的贸易保护主义条款。It also contains some protectionist nasties in the shape of "Buy American" provisions.

但正在美国建起了保护从义的壁垒后,外海油开始大规模地进入非洲。Once America erected protectionist walls, Cnooc began its grand engagement with Africa.

国会山的保护主义冲动过于激烈了,尤其在选举年。Protectionist impulses run far too strong on Capitol Hill, especially in an election year.

保护主义的风险极为真切,尤其在全球经济走下坡的情境下.The risk of a protectionist reaction is all too real, especially in a global economic downturn.

不过他警告说,一些国家正在出现的保护主义政策解决不了目前的问题。But, he warns protectionist policies surfacing in some countries are no solution to these problems.

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代以来,还没有哪项产业敢公然说出这种带有贸易保护主义的胡言妄语。This is the sort of protectionist tosh that most industries have not dared utter in public since the.

巴西外交部长阿莫林亦反驳了奥巴马为首的民主党政府倾向于贸易保护主义的观点.Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim also rejects the idea that Obama's Democrats are protectionist.

但如今十个美国人就有一个没有工作,经济政策已经初现贸易保护主义端倪。But now that one in ten Americans is without work, economic policy has taken on a protectionist tinge.

应当注意到,配额制度是一种贸易保护主义并且国家是没有税收收入的。It should be noted that a quota system is always protectionist and provides no revenue to the country.

自上个世纪70年代以来,还没有哪项产业敢公然说出这种带有贸易保护主义的胡言妄语。This is the sort of protectionist tosh that most industries have not dared utter in public since the 1970s.

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如果中国受阻于贸易保护主义壁垒,那么中国人也会为之感到沮丧而变得危险起来。If China is thwarted by protectionist barriers, its people will be correspondingly frustrated and dangerous.

虽然“谨慎”似乎是它们的特点,但若有一群鸟儿到来,它们的保护计划将落空。Although 'prudence' seems to be their middle name, protectionist plans can go awry if a visiting horde arrives.

贸易保护主义情绪可能积聚到未来两到三个选举周期,邓肯说。Protectionist sentiment could gather steam in the next two to three congressional election cycles, Duncan said.