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他只是一个不入流的流氓。He is just a gangster.

我很喜欢警匪片。I just love gangster movies.

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警匪战就是好的例子!Gangster war is a good example of!

阿尔。卡彭是一位臭名远扬的匪徒。Al Capone was a notorious gangster.

你以为自己是流氓?Think you're a gangster?- Fuck off!

不要被该游戏中那些匪徒式的外表给忽悠了。Don't be fooled by the gangster facade.

所以究竟谁是流氓,谁是警察?So, who’s the gangster and who’s the cop?

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当心哪,你是在和一个强盗打交道。Be careful.You are dealing with a gangster.

那个大块头二话没说,跟着走了过去。Without a word, the larger gangster followed.

他是一个参与帮会犯罪的恶棍。‘He’s a gangster involved in organised crime.

拿来自一个黑社会人士的封口费是很危险的。Taking hush money from a gangster is dangerous.

然而,弗雷德和邦尼并不知道,这个经理实际上是一个歹徒。Little they know that this manager is a gangster.

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歹徒扎死了一名无辜者。The gangster stabbed an innocent person to death.

他扮演匪徒极为合适。He is practically typecast for the role of a gangster.

他是一个恶毒的,坏心肠的罪犯,土匪。He's a malicious and malevolent malefactor and gangster.

卑鄙无耻之徒制定的法律管制者卡扎菲和他的儿子们。The laws of the lowly gangster govern Qaddafi and his sons.

暴徒拔出刀来对准我,企图乱砍我的脸。The gangster pulled a knife on me and tried to slash my face.

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他指责克劳斯领导的政权制度是“混账资本主义”。He accused Klaus of leading a regime of "gangster capitalism".

乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。At first sight, the character of gangster rabbit appeared funny.

在警方一波波的扫荡下,那些黑帮份子该被一网打尽了吧!In 1, a wave of police raids, the gangster was the catch all in.