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一朵谢了的花。A faded flower.

那是一朵花。That is a flower.

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花尾在恋爱。Flower is in love.

雪花白。Snow Flower White.

是那彼岸花吗?The equinox flower?

花茎甘蓝是花吗?Is broccoli a flower?

这是一朵绿花吗?Is it a green flower?

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这支花是黄色的。The flower is yellow.

其实是菠萝花。The pineapple flower.

这朵花是白色的。This flower is white.

一花独放。A flower blooms alone.

牡丹正在开花。Peonies are in flower.

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苗条的校花。Slender school flower.

这花看起来好丑啊!The flower looks ugly.

为什么不戴朵花?Why not wear a flower?

水仙花是花吗?Is a daffodil a flower?

紫色,紫色的花。Purple . Purple flower.

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她常闻花香。She smells at a flower.

那红花正开于其上。The red flower growing.

把花涂成紫色。Color the flower purple.