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但我,相信随遇而安。But I believe in settling.

现在要阴雨连绵下个不停了。It is settling in to rain now.

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计算了沉降速度。The settling velocity is computed.

那件事渐渐有了眉目。That matter is settling into shape.

在埃利斯岛安顿下来后。After settling down at Ellis Island.

但那仅仅只是想想,我依然是安定的。But that was just it. I was settling.

如果,这时有个女人把抱枕安置头下。If one, settling a pillow by her head.

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他是为了这个才住在这儿?。So that is his design in settling here.

我们如何知道自己并非敷衍了事?How can we know we're not just settling?

他成家前寻花问柳。He tomcatted around before settling down.

那只船慢慢地沉进了海里。The ship was settling down into the water.

你可以想象建在地基上的房子。Think of a house settling on its foundation.

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他们会帮你适应新的环境,with any problems you have with settling in,

他因断案准确而受到表彰。He was cited for settling lawsuits correctly.

那些马已各就各位,它们起跑了!The horses are settling down and they're off!

分层上碴和整道。Adding and settling of ballast in delamination.

他东奔西走了好一阵才定居下来。He kicked around a good deal before settling down.

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“很高兴看到他有开始有个固定模式了。”,我说。"Good to see he's settling into a pattern," I say.

在这场生命里,我的委曲求全也只能换来以泪洗面。In this life, I can only get the settling in tears.

“谢谢,”她喃喃着,边说边坐到椅子里。"Thank you, " she grunted, settling into her chair.