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漩涡吞没了那只船。The whirlpool sucked in the boat.

漩涡把小船吸进去了。The whirlpool sucked down the boat.

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漩涡吞没了那只船。The whirlpool sucked down the canoe.

他被卷入政治的漩涡中。The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.

巨大的旋涡能把小船吞没。The huge whirlpool could suck in the boat.

和惠而浦是富有的象征,强大。And Whirlpool is a symbol of rich, powerful.

这些小漩涡影响了动物的游速。You whirlpool effect of these small animals speed.

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不管我们在何时拔掉塞子,漩涡都会无一例外地出现。The whirlpool appears reliably whenever we pull the plug.

旋涡把水里上漂的任何东西都卷进了水里。The whirlpool sucks down everything floating on the water.

是否有诉讼的漩涡有关敞篷洗?Is there a lawsuit against whirlpool about the cabrio washer?

同样的命运在等待着他,两种狂乱汇成一股漩涡。A like fate awaits him and the two rages commingle in a whirlpool.

海面上所有的东西都被旋涡卷到了海水里。Everything that floated on the sea was sucked down by the whirlpool.

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在今天,教师教育依然在技术主义的漩涡里不可自拔。Teacher education can not still pull itself from technical whirlpool.

他被卷入漩涡而不断出现在身边和周围。He was caught in a whirlpool which kept turning him around and around.

于此同时,海港外面汹涌的海潮形成了一个巨大的漩涡。Meanwhile, outside the harbor the fierce tides caused a large whirlpool.

我乘无花果树去旋流和急流上漂流,结果我受到了严重的伤害。Swam the Whirlpool and the Rapids in a fig-leaf suit. It got much damaged.

每提供一个螺旋楼梯通向阁楼一二人惠而浦。Each offers a spiral staircase leading to a loft with a two-person whirlpool.

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沉到漩涡之中是指沉溺在五种感官欲乐中。Sinking into a whirlpool means indulgence in five kinds of sensual pleasures.

M51又称“涡状星系”,极有可能是发现最早的一个螺旋星云。Perhaps the original spiral nebula, M51 is also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy.

近代以来,整个中国旋转在现代性漩涡中。Since the modern times, China has been gyrating in the whirlpool of modernity.