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他因粗心大意而受到责备。He was taxed with negligence.

过失行为通常是侵权。Usually negligence is a tort.

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他责备我疏忽大意。He blamed me for my negligence.

她的玩忽职守是无法掩饰的。Nothing can extenuate her negligence.

损害系由贵公司疏忽所致。Damage attributable to your negligence.

这次事故是由于疏忽所致。The accident was the result of negligence.

他严斥他的疏忽。He rebuked him strongly for his negligence.

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华尔特将因他的失职而受到处罚。Walter will be paid off for his negligence.

过失是主要的侵权行为之一。Negligence is one of the better known torts.

他因玩忽职责而受到严厉的申斥。He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence.

许多疾病源于不讲卫生。Many diseases proceed from negligence of hygiene.

在这方面的忽视将会羞辱我。Negligence in this respect will be dishonoring me.

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法庭作出判决认定受害方犯有共同过失。The court made a finding of contributory negligence.

过去Walgren过失犯罪和因果关系。Walgren goes over criminal negligence and causation.

这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的。The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence.

我们厂没有出现任何责任事故。There is no accident out of negligence in my factory.

这次事故是由一个护士的粗心大意造成的。This accident was caused by the negligence of a nurse.

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定当,不能有丝毫的疏忽。This must be handled well. No negligence is permitted.

过度劳累和忽视将是你最大的敌人。Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies.

原因常常是疏忽大意和松懈的安全措施。Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures.