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这是浓度。This is concentration.

这是我们的初始浓度。This is our initial concentration.

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专注能增进脑力。Concentration can increase brainpower.

她蹙额皱眉,陷入沉思。She wrinkled her brows in concentration.

达濠,纳粹第一个集中营,完工。Dachau, 1st concentration camp, completed.

瞧瞧,我们现在就生活在一个集中营里。Now we are living in a concentration camp.

虔诚瞻仰集中营。Pay respects to Concentration Camp piously.

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比如说是在溶液中的在某一浓度的。A At some concentration c sub A in solution.

海水经浓缩后我们得到盐。On concentration of sea water we obtain salt.

阅读的专注就被扔出了窗外。So reading concentration goes out the window.

你解决了稳态浓度。You solve for the steady state concentration.

用折射仪测量一下氧气的浓度。Check oxygen concentration by a refractometer.

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你注意力一旦分散,小球就会下降。Break your concentration and the ball descends.

其中一个有很稀的浓度。And one of them is in very dilute concentration.

不要费工夫在冥想和专注的问题上了。Don't bother about meditation and concentration.

利用HPLC检测麦角甾醇的含量。Concentration of ergosterol was measured by HPLC.

他们死力建议集中报盘。They strongly recommended concentration of offer.

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在肾中调节收集管对尿液的浓缩。In kidney it regulates the concentration of urine.

我主要是将电影和媒体学作比较。My concentration is to compare it to media studies.

显像剂浓聚的基本原理。The basic mechanisms of imaging agent concentration.