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汉盛总部在纽约,在华盛顿、亚特兰大,布拉格,斯科普里都设有办事处。We have offices in New York, Washington D. C. , Atlanta, Prague, Skopje.

最后,开始出现在屏幕上斯科普里现在开始登机的航班。Finally, starting to show on the screen to Skopje now begin boarding the flight.

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斯科里普国际爵士乐节,享有高度的威望。The Skopje International Jazz Festival has become a highly prestigious music event.

选举官员说,在首都斯科普里附近的阿拉西诺沃村发生了两起枪击事件。Election officials said two separate shootings occurred in the village of Aracinovo, near the capital, Skopje.

一大群市民聚集在斯科普里GTC现代购物中心,这里是这个城市最受欢迎的地方之一。A group of citizens in Skopje have gathered around the GTC, a modernist shopping mall that has become a beloved part of their city.

尽管邻国希腊提出了强烈的抗议,亚历山大大帝的有争议的雕像还是在马其顿首都斯科普里竖立起来。A controversial statue of Alexander the Great has been erected in the Macedonian capital Skopje despite protests from neighbouring Greece.

在马其顿首都斯科普里,警察与该国少数民族阿尔巴尼亚人发生冲突,导致至少20人受伤。At least 20 people have been injured in Macedonia when police clashed with members of the country's ethnic Albanian minority in the capital Skopje.

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丹尼尔阿格今天强调,今天利物浦2-0的取胜得益于大卫恩戈格平时的刻苦训练。Daniel Agger today insisted Liverpool reaped the benefits of David Ngog's hard work in training during Thursday's 2-0 victory over FK Rabotnicki in Skopje.

支持这项规划的人说,经过数十年停滞不前,斯科普里终于迎来了本应进行的改造,这座城市的英雄豪杰们是理应用大理石和青铜来缅怀的。Supporters of the plans said that, after decades of stagnation, Skopje would at last get the regeneration it deserves, its heroes commemorated in marble and bronze.

特里,兰帕德同在切尔西的队友,对他的队友这个礼拜在斯科普里的比赛中能够有出色的发挥充满信心,同时也对那些批评兰帕德的言论表示失望。Terry, who also plays alongside Lampard at Chelsea, is confident his team-mate will play a major part for England in Skopje this week and has been disappointed by the criticism.