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在下雪天滑雪。Go skiing on a snowy day.

你喜欢花样滑雪吗?Do you like figure skiing?

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通常是去滑草。I usually go grass skiing.

他们要去哪里滑雪?Where are they going skiing?

在第五张画里,一个男人在滑雪。In Picture 5, a man is skiing.

滑雪是我的赏心乐事之一。Skiing is one of my enjoyments.

这让我有种高山滑雪的艰辛感。It reminds me of mountain skiing.

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高飞向山下滑去。Goofy is skiing down the mountain.

他们经常在十二月份去滑雪。They often go skiing in Decem ber.

滑水是一项很刺激的运动。Water skiing is an exciting sport.

高山滑雪是一项刺激的运动。Downhill skiing is an exciting sport.

五年前我滑雪的时候摔断了腿。I broke my leg skiing five years ago.

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每个滑雪场地都有它的危险级别。Every skiing area has a danger rating.

天气允许的话,我会去滑雪。I'll go skiing of the weather permits.

现在我们全家的活动是滑雪和外出吃饭。Now our play is skiing and eating out.

她天天划雪,天天开心。She got her kicks from skiing every day.

滑雪运动最近盛行起来。Skiing has become very popular recently.

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酒店在夏季将组织每周滑雪活动。Enjoy summer skiing from May to November.

我以为你们今天去滑草。I thought you were going grass skiing today.

我决定写越野滑雪。I decided to write about crosscountry skiing.