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千万别放弃!Don't give up!

别放弃!Don’t give up!

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给我面包片。Give me toast.

永不轻言放弃。Never give up.

给我一个int数。Give me an int.

去把我的帽子拿来。Give me my hat.

你就不会再去等待食物。You give it up.

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尔能给莪吗?。Can you give me?

给个香吻好不好。Give a kiss, ok.

饶了我吧!让我休息一下!Give me a break!

看得我汗死了Give me a break.

放弃追踪新闻时事。Give up on news.

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把钥匙给她吧。Give her the key.

给他一个自新机会。Give him a bueak.

宝贝,把它给妈妈。Give it to mommy.

让孩子做些杂务。Give kids chores.

给我一个机会。Give me a chance.

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给我一个吻。Give me a smooch.

给他们找个台阶下吧。Give them an out.

你很快就变卦了。You soon give in.