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在巴西,喜克溃可以随意购买持续的时间并不长。The open vilbility of Cytotec didn't lst long.

他们在二月一日到达上海站。They reached the Shanghai station on February lst.

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制作了广西白天全晴的LST平均图。The clear-sky day-time-averaged LST in Guangxi were imaged.

找出了适用于计算广西白天LST的算法。An algorithm was established to calculate the day-time LST in Guangxi.

高海拔地区地表温度的垂直递减率要高于低海拔地区。LST lapse rate in high altitude regions is higher than low altitude regions.

米尔恩的坦克于午夜前到达,直接开往了坦克登陆舰的运输点。Milne's tanks continued on to the LST staging area, arriving just before midnight.

子宫收缩好,出血200毫升,会阴一度撕裂被修复。The uterus contracted well with bleeding of 200ml, lst degree perineal was repaired.

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劈窗算法是目前由热红外遥感数据获取陆面温度的主要方法。Split-window algorithm is the main method to retrieve the LST by thermal infrared data.

LST细胞株的组织来源为轻度不典型增生绒毛状腺瘤。The LST cell strain derived from villous adenoma displayed various atypical hyperplasia.

通过模板分析,找到了求算多年LST气候平均图的途径。We find out the approach of calculating annual mean LST by employing appropriate templets.

宫颈癌居女性癌症死亡率的第二位,其在农村则居第一位。In female, mortality rate of cervical carcinoma was the 2nd, but it was the lst in the rural area.

运用覃志豪等的单窗算法反演出于田地区的地表温度,并用陆面实际地表温度进行了检验。The ground measurements show that there is the higher accuracy of single-window algorithm to LST retrie.

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同时对MODIS地表温度产品与我们用MODIS影像反演出来的结果对比分析表明作者提出的劈窗算法是可行的。The LST product of MODIS was compared with the retrieval results by split-window algorithm proposed by authors.

编,塞罗戈多城镇论坛、都市生态学与第一届国际生态会议报告,1990。Canfield, C. ed. Report of the lst International Ecocity Conference, Urban Ecology and Cerro Gordo Town Forum. 1990.

子宫收缩好,出血200毫升,会阴一度撕裂被修复。全产程为10小时30分。The uterus contracted well with bleeding of 200ml, lst degree perineal was repaired. The total delivery Lasted for 10h 30min.

低位域八道湾组和高位域三工河组具备岩性油藏形成的条件,有良好的勘探前景。It has favorable oil prospecting that the stratigraphic reservoir developed in the LST Badaowan formation and the HST Sangonghe formation.

结果表明,利用遥感数据反演地面温度参数可以作为沙尘预报模型的重要参数。It is manifestated that the LST parameter retrieved by RS data may become one of the important parameters of the dust storm predict model.

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首先介绍了利用正午前后极轨气象卫星4、2、1通道合成资料,进行监督分类,得到地表高温分布图的方法。To aquire the chart of LST during midday, it performed supervised classification by using the synthetic data of NOAA-AVHRR's channel 4?2?1.

而城市不透水表面组分与城市LST则成明显的正相关,与季节关系不大,相关性却较大。The urban impervious surface component and the LST significa ntlypositive correlation, has little to do with the seasons but high correlation.

层序S2是一个三分层序,包含低位、湖侵和高位三个体系域。进一步可以划分为3个准层序组和12个准层序。The S2 sequence is a tripartition dichotomize sequence , include the LST , TST and HST, further divided 3 parasequence formations and 12 parasequence.