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这可以导致梗阻性脑积水。This can result in obstructive hydrocephalus.

头痛是会引起脑积水的原因吗?Is having a headache the cause that can you cause hydrocephalus?

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是否是由脑积水或其他疾病引起的呢?Might it have been caused by hydrocephalus or some other disease?

第三脑室底造瘘治疗梗阻性脑积水。Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in treating obstructive hydrocephalus.

目的探讨脑积水中轴索损伤的发展变化规律。Objective To explore the regularity of axonal injury in experimental hydrocephalus.

结论ETV处理非交通性脑积水效果较好。Conclusion ETV for the treatment of non-communicating hydrocephalus was efficacious.

现对近年来有关脑积水手术治疗方面的进展予以综述。This article reviews the recent advancement about surgical treatment of hydrocephalus.

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目的探讨改良分流术治疗脑积水的效果。Objective To discuss the curative effect of improved bypass method to treat hydrocephalus.

开放脚间池有助于预防和治疗脑积水。Opening the interpeduncular cistern can minimize the occurrence of postoperative hydrocephalus.

维他命A不足也会造成蜘蛛膜对脑脊液出现吸收障碍。Hypovitaminosis A causes hydrocephalus by altering CSF resorption at the arachnoid granulations.

目的介绍一种治疗导水管狭窄性梗阻性脑积水的新方法。Objective To introduce a new method for treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus caused by aqueductal stenosis.

其他的原发性水脑症也有可能因为中脑导水管的阻滞导致脑脊液流动受阻。Other cases of congenital hydrocephalus involve a narrowed mesencephalic aqueduct with obstruction to CSF flow.

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目的研究神经内镜治疗脑积水的适应证、效果和并发症。Objective To study the results, indications and complications of the endoscope in the operations for hydrocephalus.

我们研究了蛛网膜下腔出血并发急性脑积水患者的在治疗过程中再出血的危险性。We studied the risk of rebleeding in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage during treatment for acute hydrocephalus.

结论头颅局部亚低温治疗可以减轻脑出血患者的脑水肿。Conclusions The brain-located mild hypothermia therapy can reduced hydrocephalus in patients with cerebral hemorrhage.

小脑早期诊断非常重要,因为水肿可以导致脑干的压迫和脑积水。Early diagnosis of cerebellar infarctions is important since swelling may cause brainstem compression or hydrocephalus.

肿块包绕双侧的颈内动脉,视神经和垂体柄,并可见脑积水。The mass encases the bilateral internal carotid arteries, optic nerves, and the pituitary stalk. There is hydrocephalus.

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目的分析脑积水脑室-腹腔分流术后常见并发症及防治对策。Objective To analyze the common complication of ventricle-abdominis bypass in hydrocephalus and its preventible strategy.

目的探讨脑积水脑室腹腔分流相关性脑室炎的治疗方法。Objective To study the treatment strategy for ventriculitis associated with ventriculoperitoneal shunt for hydrocephalus.

在婴儿和幼童造成脑积水的原因是脑部和头骨扩大,由于囟门尚未愈合造成的。In infants and young children, hydrocephalus causes the Brain and skull to enlarge because the fontanels have not yet closed.