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问下问题来折磨折磨你们。Making it stop.

我正在煮汤。I'm making soup.

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做苹果派吗?Making apple pie?

我把意思说明白了吗?Am I making sense?

我在扮鬼脸。I am making faces.

妈妈正在做烤面包片。Mom is making toast.

我正在包饺子。I'm making dumplings.

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我超爱做大餐的!I love making big food!

除了铺床之外,全部都整理好了。All except making my bed.

我现在在做玉米面包。And I'm making cornbread.

我想要做披萨。I feel like making pizza.

制作管帽均采用板材。Making tube sheet by cap.

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他有边阅读边做笔记的习惯。He has the habit of making.

那个声音是什么发出的What was making that sound?

你只是在滥竽充数么?Am I just making up numbers?

通过自我介绍。By making self-introduction.

他喜欢做模型船。He likes making model ships.

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它想成为一只肉猪。Hes making a hog of himself.

我喜欢做菠萝派。I like making pineapple pie.

我是否值得为此树敌?Is it worth making an enemy?