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中国不说“阿鲁”么?Ch-China doesn't say "aru"?

阿鲁笑翠鸟的食性和大型笑翠鸟有所不同,其食物几乎都是昆虫。Aru kookaburra's diet and large kookaburra different, almost all of its food insects.

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丹容亚路海滨公园有很多地方必须要提升和进行维修。The condition of Tanjung Aru Beach is bad and many things needed to be upgraded and put right.

您对于阿鲁巴有多少的了解?完成下列的拼图后您就可以看到原始较大尺寸的图片。How much do you know about aru ba? Complete the following jigsaw puzzle and you may see the original picture.

身材娇小的著名小说作家阿兰达蒂·罗伊在众多支持者的簇拥下大步走进最高法院。The diminutive figure of aru ndhati roy strode into the supreme court surrounded by dozens of her supporters.

烤面包片,然后放在盘子中。把每片面包上面放上一片枯萎的芝麻菜和一片鱼。上面撒上酸辣芥末酱,即可食用。Toast bread and place on plates. top each with wilted aru gula and a salmon fillet. drizzle mustard sauce over top. serve immediately.

中国人必须归还1962年中印战争时取得的那块土地,否则就是没有战争,中国的正常生活也可能面临巨大危险。But chinese govt shud return back the land at Aru. pra. acquired at the time of war1962, otherwise normal life of china cud be a great danger without any war.

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亚庇国际机场跑道扩建工程和丹容亚路天桥工程的完工日期将会拖延。The Kota Kinabalu International Airport run-way extension project and the Tanjong Aru flyover projects may face another set back on the eventual completion date.

布尔玛和小悟空寻找龙珠一路来到了一个遥远的小山村。在那儿,他们遇到了小八戒,这个会变形的怪物正威吓着村里的居民。Bulma and Goku's search for the Dragon Balls takes them to the remote valley where they encounter Oolong, a shape-changing monster who is terrorizing Aru Village.

阿鲁笑翠鸟分布于新几内亚岛南部以及附近的阿鲁群岛,其外形很象蓝翅笑翠鸟,但是体型要小很多,身长大约33厘米。Aru kookaburra located in the southern island of New Guinea, as well as near the Aru Islands, and its shape is as blue-winged kookaburra, but much smaller size, length about 33 cm.