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一卦是由两个三线形组成。A hexagram is made up of two trigrams.

印章顶上的生命之花类型的象征物包含一个六芒星。The flower of life type symbol on top contains a hexagram.

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这卦是指天在地,地在天的某个时候。This hexagram denotes a time in nature when heaven seems to be on earth.

本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles.

在太极拳里的每一式都能用易经上的一个卦对应上。Each of the basic forms in Tai Chi Chuan has a hexagram in the "I Ching" relating to it.

这个卦指出内在的价值要依靠外在的力量才能体现出来。This hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force and comes to power.

易卦是一种完备的二值逻辑体系,每一个卦象就是一组真值表。Hexagrams form a perfect double-value logic system, in which every hexagram is equal to a true value table.

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最后本文试图立足于现象学。对艮卦所敞显的生存意义作一说明。At last, the paper tries, from the angle of phenomenology, to reveal the significance of survival manifested in hexagram Gen.

做出以诺派五芒星驱逐仪式和六芒星驱逐仪式,用权账或短剑进行仪式。Perform the Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual and Hexagram Banishing Ritual, using either Fire Wand, Air Dagger or thumd wand.

由此符号系统与卦爻辞组成的文字系统共同絪缊而成的大易思想在科技与人文演化的历史长河中成为中国传统文化的主脉。The idea of Yi conceived in the semiotic system and the hexagram & line statements becomes the main stream in the long river of the history of Chinese culture.

跳棋的目标是把自己的棋子以单步移动或跳跃的方式,全部转移到对家的地盘上。The objective of the game is to place one's pieces in the corner opposite their starting position of a pitted hexagram by single moves or jumps over other pieces.

本文认为乾卦六爻爻辞所说的“六龙”各种状态是苍龙星在一个回归年中所运动的不同天象。This paper advocates that the six states of the dragon described in the hexagram of Qian are six celestial phenomena of the star of the green dragon in a tropical year.

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其中一贯的思维进路,乃透过卦爻的化零为整,加以贯通连结,以建立完整圆融的思想体系。The changes of mutual relationships in "I Ching" correlated well to form an integrated conception through each hexagram and line, and then developed one complete cerebration system.

膝关节损伤在太极拳运动中较常发生,它的损伤与太极拳运动的姿势、技术动作、下肢肌肉的收缩力和韧带的牵拉力等因素有密切关系。Knee joint injury often occurs in hexagram boxing exercises. It is closely related to the movement posture and skills, the contraction of leg muscles and the traction of ligamem, etc.

本文考察、辨析了历代注家关于“井”卦之释义,并结合出土文献的最新研究成果,重新诠释了“井”卦所含蕴的人文价值。This paper examines the variety of interpretations of different times, together with the help of the latest excavated literature, and re-interprets the humanistic value conceived in the hexagram.

研究太极拳运动中膝关节损伤的原因,是为了更好而有效地达到预防膝关节损伤的目的,也为改进教学、训练的方式方法提供依据。To study the cause of knee joint injury in hexagram boxing exercises is to effectively prevent such injury from occurring and to provide basis for the improvement of teaching and training methods.