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他咧开嘴淘气地笑着,用一只手托起我的脸,吻了我一下。He grinned mischievously as he cupped my face with his hand and kissed me.

在她接受我们采访的时候,她的妹妹正在旁边玩耍,调皮的眨眼睛。While she talks, her little sister, eye sparkling mischievously plays around us.

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「这种事,你们女人还是少知道好一点!」李不俗嬉皮笑脸地说。"It's better that you women don't know about these matters! " Li Busu's said mischievously.

你问我爱你几分我淘气的回答我只爱你八分。You asked that I like your several point me mischievously replying I only love your eight points.

她有些不服气地说,“你们应该以它是你们的合法遗产为由将其收回。”“What does he want with it?” she said mischievously. “You should reclaim it as your rightful heritage.”

第一,小泽一郎扮演的角色使人不安,他是一个斯文加利式人物,在鸠山背后虎视眈眈。The first is the role of Ichiro Ozawa, the Svengali-like figure who stood mischievously behind Mr Hatoyama.

海马爸爸“生”完了最后一个小海马,指着自己的育儿袋,调皮地看看绅鱼他们。Seahorse daddy "lived" the last small seahorse , was pointing at own mothering bag, had a look at the gentry fish mischievously they.

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梦,我是一缕清风,悠闲在蔚蓝天空飘荡,惬意与旭日招呼,欢畅与晨星告别。Dream, I was a ray of breeze, a leisurely floating in the blue sky, pleasant greeting with the rising sun, mischievously and Morningstar farewell.

大多数时候,人们把性骚扰淡化为一个调皮的相关话题或者把它等同于两性之间的相互关系。Most times, people try to down play the issue of sexual harassment by mischievously relating or equating it to a mutual relationship between opposite sexes.

他说,“在此次动乱中,不列颠人的表现非常恶劣,在‘打倒美国’的标语下加上‘打倒英国’很合理。”"In this unrest, Britons have behaved very mischievously and it is fair to add the slogan of 'down with England' to the slogan of 'down with USA, '" he said.

他气人地指责世界银行这些数据压缩机是在图谋提高贫困人口数量以使其老板有生之年不至于失业。He mischievously accused the bank's number- crunchers of conspiring to lift the poverty count so as to keep their employer in business beyond its natural life.

与她对视一眼,迎上她微带促狭的笑意,逸风只是微怔,然后便笑出声来。With her to see one eye, face to rise her puny take to mischievously laugh an mind, the Yi breeze is just tiny Zheng, then then the break into mirth voice come.

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王度工作室在狡诘地跟具有强烈象征性的新闻交易场所,如好莱坞那样神秘和封闭的伊甸园。The Wang Du Studio mischievously pits itself against the symbolic strongholds of the news business and the mythic zed, endemic enclosures dotting the hills of Hollywood.

作为一个观者,我们也陷入花花公子—H氏—充满性幻想、游戏的世界,经由带著偏见的男性角色周边附加物发现了平贺令人不可思议的叙述手法。As viewers, we are engulfed in our dandy Mr. H's world of sexual fantasy, mischievously woven through the neon gender-biased figure's appendages to discover Hiraga's wondrous narrative.

所谓的”伊斯兰炸弹“是西方世界为吓唬其他地区,将穆斯林、巴基斯坦描绘成不该拥有原子弹的恐怖分子而恶意捏造的。The term “Islamic Bomb” was mischievously coined by the Western world to frighten the rest of the world and to portray Muslims, and Pakistan, as terrorists who should not possess an atom bomb.