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平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。The usual theism is more insipid.

我的意思是这是那么的愚蠢和枯燥。I mean this is so stupid and so insipid.

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这酱没什么味,真是没味道。This sauce have no taste it's really insipid.

这酱没什么味,真是没味道。This sauce has no taste. It 's really insipid.

牛奶和水的混合物是平淡无味的饮料。A mixture of milk and water is a insipid drink.

我尝了以后,再吃这边的水果,简直无味极了。After tasting them, all food here seems insipid.

如果你喜欢清淡的食物,你可以品尝广东的食物。If you like insipid food, you can taste Guangdong food.

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“你是怕她会变成枯燥乏味的姑娘吧?”佩尼曼太太说。"Are you afraid she will be insipid ?"said Mrs. Penniman.

开始是苏打饼干,一点味道都没有特干的那种。I try to feed it with soda biscuit which is dry and insipid.

有至死不虞的爱,当然也有平淡的爱。Love the unexpected death, and of course we have insipid love.

这是我能编造出来的争议最少,最无聊的理由。It was the least controversial, most insipid topic I could concoct.

饭很难吃,蔬菜烧过了火,一点味道都没有。The meal was terrible with all those insipid overcooked vegetables.

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尽管,只有人类思维才发明得出爱情这般乏味的东西。Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love.

其作风渐趋平淡致远,具有油腻隽永的空灵美。Its style, with light relocating salo insipid ethereal beauty of lingering.

她不想回到这家餐厅,因为它的食物淡而无味的。She never wanted to go back to the restaurant because the food was insipid.

它极淡极淡,但若细细啜饮,却也能尝出一丁点儿的甜味来。It tastes insipid yet a slow sipping will doubtless yield a wee bit of sweetness.

爱的最高田产是经得起平淡的流年。你看懂了吗。The highest stconsumed of love is resorenessd once you get through those insipid days.

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寂寞时看看夜晚的繁星,它会让你感觉静夜平淡的美。Lonely at night to see the stars, it will let you feel the United States Jingye insipid.

厚重的字典,陌生的单词,烦琐的语法,让他对英语已经失去了兴趣。Heavy dictionary, strange words, insipid grammars, all of them made him lost the interest.

一种淡白无味的凄凉的情趣——我把饭匣打开,又闭上了。What an insipid and dreary scene!I opened the lunch-box only④ to have it covered up again.