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病菌会侵入机体。Germs invade the organism.

病菌会侵入肌体。Germs invade the organism.

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我的老板是一位单细胞生物。My boss is a single-celled organism.

瓜熟蒂落之爱就像一个有生命的机体。Mature love is like a living organism.

蚯蚓是陆生的生物。An earthworm is a terricolous organism.

母鸡扒出了一条蚯蚓。An earthworm is a terricolous organism.

一个免费活著生物体能是多小?How small can a free-living organism be?

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白杨树林往往是一个很大的有机体。Aspen groves are often one large organism

如果不知道什么是阿米巴的话。The amoeba is a tiny, one-celled organism.

氰化物对生物有机体有剧毒。Cyanide is highly toxic to living organism.

细胞分化发生在有机体中Cell division takes place within an organism.

这整个世界是个追寻真理的有机体。That the whole world is one truth-seeking organism.

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所以说生物想要死亡只是从他们自己的角度来看的。So the organism only wishes to die on its own terms.

带有国家规定检疫对象的有害生物的。With maleficent organism quarantined by the national.

该序列有助于确定一个生物体的特性。The sequence helps determine the traits of an organism.

细胞的疲倦成就了生物体的活力。The weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism.

通常根据分离到的病菌进行进一步治疗。Furth treatment usually depends on the organism isolated.

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人是构成社会有机体的能动主体。Human is a initiate subject constituting social organism.

基因是遗传的基本单位,在一个活生生的有机体。A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.

任何对身体有害的外来物或生物。Any foreign agent or organism that is harmful to the body.