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超介质可能是麻瓜们所拥有的最接近魔法的物质了。Metamaterials might be the closest Muggles have come to wizardry.

作家的离去看上去似乎只是另一场魔法。The writer's departure seems like just another piece of wizardry.

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“巫”与“圣”是中国古代文化体系中两个极为关键的构成要素。Wizardry and Sage are two key components of ancient Chinese culture.

岳灵珊和林平之还是来找辟邪剑谱的。YueLingShan and LinPingZhi still to find wizardry sword of the spectrum.

第二天下午三点十五分,帕斯基再次施展魔法。At three-fifteen the following afternoon, Persky worked his wizardry again.

Belcher的研究甚至吸引了政府最高层的注意。Belcher’s wizardry has attracted attention from the highest levels of government.

他试图再次展示自己的金融奇才,不过这次他可能要好好忙上一阵子了。He may have his hands full as he tries to demonstrate his wizardry one more time.

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那些制造计算机的电子技术对我来说跟魔法一样,我一点儿都搞不明白。I don't understand all this electronic wizardry that goes into making a computer.

哈利波特今年绝对不能回到霍格华兹魔法巫师学校去。Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.

海洛把霍格沃茨魔法学校的录取通知书交到哈利的手上。Hagrid hands Harry an admissions letter to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

中草药公司是一个家庭式的中草药产品制造商。Columbines and Wizardry Herbs, Inc. is a family-sized manufacturer of quality herbal products.

那么什么才是现代金融所有聪明才智和滥用的魔术所在呢?And what of all the clever and misused wizardry of modern finance? Mr Greenspan was half right.

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书中描写了哈里和他的朋友们在教授魔法与巫术的霍格华兹学校的冒险经历。They describe the adventures of Harry and his friends at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

和他在霍格华兹魔法学校的历险引发了各个年龄读者的丰富想象力。And his adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry caught the imagination of readers of all ages.

网页是公司网站的一部分,主要是列举了公司产品的目录。This page is a part of the site of Columbines and Wizardry Herbs, Inc. It lists the catalogue of their products.

霍格沃茨魔法黉舍是一所男女同校的免费寄宿制黉舍,在校学生的年岁段为11?17岁。Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is aco-educational, non-fee-paying boarding school for pupils aging 11to 17.

波特先生,我们很高兴地通知你,你已经被霍格沃兹魔法学校录取了。Dear Mr. Potter, we are please to inform you, that you have been accepted at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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霍格沃茨魔法学校是一所男女同校的免费寄宿制学校,在校学生的年龄段为11〜17岁。Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a co-educational, non-fee-paying boarding school for pupils aging 11 to 17.

当时身无分文的J·K·罗琳坐在火车上,脑子里有了这个想法,她把这个想法构思成共有七本书的系列,每书写的是在霍格沃茨魔法学校里的一年发生的事。She imagined his story as a series of seven books, each spanning a year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

王家及华山众人拿着笑傲江湖曲问令狐冲这本辟邪剑谱是如何得到。The wangs huashan and all with a smile the ao rivers lake song ask linghu chong this wizardry sword spectrum is how to get.