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他无声地点点头,像个死人。He nodded mutely. He was a dead man.

他默默凝视了他几秒钟。For several seconds he gazed at him mutely.

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查坎·乔治内心感到抽缩,一言不发地坐着。His insides contracting, Chicken George sat mutely.

如果没有这个序列,连接尝试就会静悄悄地失败。Without the sequence, connection attempts just mutely fail.

每次夫人给他递药,他总是抽泣,默默地吻她的手。Every time she gave him his medicine, he mutely kissed her hand, weeping.

山路上,韩珊牵着女儿的手,无言地走在前面,柳细腰默默跟在身后。Mountain path, HanShan took his daughter's hand, mutely ahead, liu slender waist with behind.

如果炎症趁延至暇部则出现声音喊哑。If the inflammation while delays until the free time department to present the sound to shout mutely.

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库图佐夫骑着他那匹小灰马,默默地走着,他懒懒地回答向他提出的发动进攻的建议。Kutuzov rode mutely about on his grey horse, making languid replies to the suggestions for an attack.

她沉默一会儿,大家都不开腔,等待着就要发生什么事,都觉得这只是一个开场白而已。She paused. Every one was mutely expectant of what was to follow, feeling that this was merely a prelude.

更多的象群像幽灵般到来,似乎看不到尽头,它们静静地从岸上的灌木丛走入水中。Seemingly endless herds continued to arrive, like phantoms, mutely making their way from the brush to the water.

现在这些石块平行地躺成几排,在底部崩断,无声地指示出冲击波的路径。Now the stone slabs lay in parallel rows, snapped off at their bases and pointing mutely along the line of the blast.

黑色的连衣裙,长度及踝,流畅而华丽的线条,令身体的美无言地展示。Black of even the dress skirt, the length and ankle, flowing freely but gorgeous lines, the ream body of beautiful display mutely.

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晚上下班后,桑德拉走进卧室,发现丈夫一声不吭的坐在摇椅上,眼眶湿润。After work that evening, she entered their bedroom and found him sitting mutely in a rocking chair, his eyes welling up with tears.

她回过头来,看着他,他们默默地相视了几秒钟,于是那遥远的原本不可能的事情,突然一下子变成了眼前的,即将成为现实的甚至是无法避免的事情了。For a few seconds they gazed mutely in each other's eyes, and the remote and impossible became all at once close at hand, possible and inevitable.

文章引述了研究结果,说这显示出这种侮辱性称呼能带来健康问题,特别是如果人们默默地接受了称呼背后的态度时。The piece refers to studies showing 'that the insults can have health consequences, especially if people mutely accept the attitudes behind them.'

文章引述了研究结果,说这种侮辱性称呼能带来健康问题,特别是如果人们默默地接受了称呼背后的态度时。The piece refers to studies showing "that the insults can have health consequences, especially if people mutely accept the attitudes behind them."

我原以为低着头默默地看着地面就是一种忏悔和请求宽恕的表示,但是她却不这么认为。I thought that hanging my head and looking mutely at the ground were a kind of confession and a petition for forgiveness, but she had not accepted it as much.

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等他们坐好了,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人找到他们没有。三张忧郁的脸无声地回答了他。Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.

一旦他们在汽车里安顿了下来,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人是否找到了他们。三张忧郁的脸孔沉默无言地似乎作了回答。Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.