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他是一位伟大的作词人。He is a great lyricist.

我认为你天生就是个作曲家。I think you may be a born lyricist.

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没有头绪的诗人,这是哪年的?A lyricist without a clue, what year is this?

夏普先生是一位很有天赋的歌词作者,他在每首歌曲中都做出好成绩。Mr Sharp is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every song.

坎贝尔和康奈利有时欧文王记入一个作词团队。Campbell & Connelly were a lyricist team sometimes credited as Irving King.

每天作曲,每天作词,每天制作,每天唱,每天活。Every composer, lyricist every day, every day, every day singing, daily living.

因为海子独特的艺术风格,当代人们多认同他是一个抒情诗人。Because of his special art characteristics, Haizi is often looked upon as a lyricist.

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其歌词由英国律师、作词家费德里克·魏舍利于1910创作。The lyrics to Danny Boy were written by English lawyer and lyricist Frederic Weatherly in 1910.

现为作家、作曲和作词人的陈颂红,曾经做过壹周刊记者和香港电台编剧。Lachry Chan, fictionist , lyricist and music composer, has been a magazine reporter and dramatist.

而诗歌或者其他文学作品,却能够帮助我成为更好的词作者。But then, reading poetry or reading literature, it helps me out to be able to function better as a lyricist.

仅在词、曲作者两项填写完备的情况下,本项可以不填。This row should be completed merely in the case the information of Composer and Lyricist cannot be provided.

抒情诗人欧文·凯撒偶然听到他弹奏钢琴并觉得他很像自己以前的合作者乔治·格什温。Lyricist Irving Caesar happened to hear him play the piano and thought he resembled his former collaborator George Gershwin.

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“他最著名的作品之一,是爵士乐标准“百老汇摇篮曲”合作与作词乔治大卫Weiss。" One of his best-known compositions is the jazz standard "Lullaby of Broadway, " co-written with lyricist George David Weiss.

然而,主唱兼作曲的林生祥与词作家钟永丰的合作并未中断。However, Lin Sheng Xiang, the lead vocalist and composer, and lyricist Zhong Yongfeng continued to collaborate and compose songs.

作为一个词作者,我特别享受跟查尔斯·阿兹那夫的长期合作,而且硕果累累,毋庸置疑,他是一位法语香颂大师。As a lyricist I have in particular enjoyed a long and fruitful connection with Charles Aznavour, undisputed grand master of the chanson.

据空军官方微博消息,中国著名艺术家、军队词作家阎肃去世,享年86岁。According to the official Sina Weibo account of the China Air Force, renowned Chinese artist and military lyricist Yan Su has died, aged 86.

一些乐队的诞生试镜个月后,试图找到合适作词谦卑地与恒星令人难以置信的歌手和吉他手。Some bands are birthed after months of auditions, trying to find just the right lyricist to mesh with an incredible singer and stellar guitar player.

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高在表示他对他罪行的懊悔和遗憾前先告诉法庭他的职业是“抒情作曲家”以及他出生在北京。Gao told the court his occupation was a "composer lyricist" and his place of birth was Beijing before going on to explain his regret and sorrow over his crime.

从作词人跨界到设计领域,方文山依旧将他擅长的中国风融入商品设计,希望在时尚圈创造出一股前所未见的「华流风潮」。From lyricist to field of design, Vincent Fang is good at embedding the Chinese style into product design. He hopes to bring an unprecedented wave of Chinese fashion.

刘德华是当今香港流行乐坛的代表人物之一,他不仅是一名出色的歌手,而且还是一名优秀的词作家。Andy Lau is one of the representative figures of the current popular music circles in Hong Kong. He is not merely an outstanding singer, and but also an outstanding lyricist.