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神灯再现!Magic Lamp again!

光疗灯。Phototherapy lamp.

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帝凡尼壁灯。Tiffany Wall Lamp.

我有一盏小台灯。I have a little lamp.

点一盏长明的灯。Light a lasting lamp.

用什么来配这盏灯?What's with the lamp?

把那边那灯放下来!Lower the lamp yonder!

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煤气灯吹灭了。The gas lamp blew out.

头顶上是一盏吊灯。There is a pendent lamp.

看一眼那个穿制服的家伙。Lamp that guy in uniform.

那盏灯是否让他满身臭气?Does he stink of the lamp?

他在桌上放了一盏灯。He set a lamp on the table.

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煤油灯被吹熄了。The kerosene lamp blew out.

为什么盏灯伏案还要写呢?Why even writing desk lamp?

桌上方吊着一盏灯。A lamp hang above the table.

桌上方吊着盏灯。A lamp hangs over the table.

油灯把天花板熏黑了。The lamp smoked the ceiling.

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它是相当好工作灯。It's a pretty good work lamp.

灯挂在床的上方。The lamp hangs above the bed.

那盏油灯把墙壁熏黑了。The lamp has smoked the wall.